Casa Marambaia exhibits watercolor exhibition

Jardin Secret“, by Josephine Di Giovanna, will be on display until 29 de Mayo


Between the days 4 and 29 de Mayo, Casa Marambaia receives the exhibition of watercolors “Secret garden”, by the plastic artist Josephine Di Giovanna.

The artist, that is french, moved to Brazil more than 20 years, after being enchanted by the tropicality and the Brazilian color. In his artworks, uses techniques such as watercolor, Nanquim, acrylic and collage, in a mixture that provides freedom for the artist's creative process.

At the exhibition, it is possible to observe an intuitive art, result of the sensitivity that overflows in an abstract catharsis, contemporary and with refined brushwork by Josephine Di Giovanna.


Going to the exhibition is also an invitation to admire Burle Marx's gardens, one of the attractions of Casa Marambaia.

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Marambaia House – R. Dr. Augustine Goulão, 2.098 – Belts, Petrópolis (RJ). Reservations: (24) 2236-3650 | (24) 99974-7608. |   @casamarambaia

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