XXXII Salon of Plastic Arts Arceburgo - Minas Gerais by Rosangela Vig

Rosângela Vig é Artista Plástica e Professora de História da Arte.
Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

In the picture I ask myself
– trace trace –
sometimes I paint cloud,
sometimes I paint tree…

sometimes I paint things
that not more memory…
or things that do not exist
but one day there will…

and, read this, that seek
– little by little –
my eternal likeness,

in the end, will remain?
A child's drawing…
Corrected by a mad!
(QUINTANA, 2007, p. 47)


That's how you make the Art. Naturally, the painter's stroke, in his eternal quest for plotting a thought, an idea, just a moment. It is the daily work that the colors are arranged in a dawn screen, a blank paper, to transform the art that has long making history.

It is in this sense that Arceburgo Institute has been working since 1986. No fixed location, at first, the annual Hall got a hall in 2014 and has been holding the event, since then, in Historical and Cultural Institute Arceburgo, city ​​of Minas Gerais. The selection of works and awards enrich the artist's resume, given the importance of the hall, in Brazil, in the field of Arts.

This year, Registration for the Arceburgo Hall are open to all artists from 9 April 2018 and 18 May 2018. The chips can be requested by email or It is worth attending!


Photos of 2014 the XXVIII Salon of Plastic Arts Arceburgo – Minas Gerais:

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QUINTANA, Mário. Mario Quintana Pocket. Porto Alegre: Editora L&PM, 2007.

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