XXVIII Salon of Plastic Arts of Arceburgo by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is Art Columnist.

Was performed, on Saturday, day 14 of June, the official opening of the XXVIII Salon of Plastic Arts of Arceburgo, Minas Gerais.

The event, idealized by Mrs. Arline Rosa Longo De Boni and Dr. Orlando Lodovici, being done by the Instituto Histórico e Cultural de Arceburgo since the year 1986.

The Instituto Histórico e Cultural de Arceburgo was founded with the mission of preserving the history of the city of Arceburgo, at the same time, the promotion of cultural activities. In its 28th edition, the Salon of Plastic Arts of Arceburgo follows the path traced by its creators, guided by the seriousness, enhancing the expression and creativity of the artist.


Hall of Plastic Arts Arceburgo

The exhibition, extending until the day 28 of June, with the participation of artists from the states of: Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Pernambuco, Pará, Goiás, Distrito Federal and Mato Grosso. Also with the participation of artists from Spain and Portugal.

The works are selected and awarded by a jury of Selection and Award, that this edition was composed by the artists Vagner Aniceto, Miguel Ruiz and Simon Abuhab that, after analysis of work, did the study awards, respecting the style and trend of works, thereby set the top finishers in each category: ACADEMIC / NAIF (Gustavo Rampin Bernini, São Paulo / SP; CONTEMPORARY (Olimpio Franco, Ribeirão Preto / SP); WATERCOLOR (Renato Palmuti, São Paulo / SP); DRAWING / PASTEL / ENGRAVING (Leandro Taliari Mariano, of Arceburgo, MG); PHOTOGRAPHY / DIGITAL ARTS (Raphaele Palaro, São Carlos, SP); SCULPTURE (Margarida Barroso, the Rio de Janeiro / RJ). The artists Vilson Palaro Júnior, the city of São Carlos / SP and Monique Saboya, São Paulo / SP, received the Prefeitura Municipal de Arceburgo and Instituto Histórico e Cultural de Arceburgo trophies, respectively, being considered by the jury as the best works in general of the Salon.

Hall of Plastic Arts Arceburgo

The artist Gracia Saad de Araújo Calado was honored with the Trophy Arline Rosa Longo De Boni, for their continuous participation in the halls of art of Arceburgo, since 1993.

The date also marked the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Instituto Histórico e Cultural de Arceburgo, receiving the name of "Solar Azurem", a tribute to the great benefactor of the work, Professor Azurem Ferreira Pinto. Besides being the headquarters of the Institute, exhibitions will be held in this space, lectures, workshops and also art workshops with children and low-income youth in the municipality.

The events were attended by the Municipal Mayor, Antônio Gregório Militão; President of the Institute, Cecília Galvani Guidorizzi David; the widow of Professor Azurem, Mrs. Pedrolina Mendonça de Mesquita; Mr Pompílio Canavez, Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais; the family of Dr. Herculano de Paula Borges, doctor, who for many years resided and kept his office in the building; Journalist and Marchand, Cloves Reis; ex-mayors; artists and general public, they could honor the beautiful works on display.

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Thanks to Flavio Calori for his collaboration in the material.

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Credit Photos: Sonia Boiture and Sandra Lozano.




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E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com

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