XXI international art Circuit for Brazilian Rosângela Vig

Rosângela Vig é Artista Plástica e Professora de História da Arte.
Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

Were open, until day 10 th July 2016, entries for the XXI International Circuit of Brazilian Art. Event, organized and conducted by the College Art, non-profit institution, Headquartered in Belo Horizonte, as General curator, Iolanda George, start your script in exhibition 31 August in Bulgaria, in 12 Norway and in September 24 Dominican Republic September.

In The Dominican Republic, the artists taking part in the Event, can participate in:

*Course/workshop photographic immersion in Colonial Architecture day 27/09


*Brazilian film cycle day 27/09

*Extension course in fine arts-theories and practices day 29/09

*Lectures on the Brazilian Art in the national and international scene days 28 and 30/09

With a prestigious Board of Trustees in the art world, the event is a great opportunity for the artist to show his work in other countries, become known and respected. Information with Marcia Moura, delegate of the Board of Trustees in charge in the State of São Paulo. marciamoura.art@gmail.com

Registration schedule:

*Registration until 10 July 2016

*Delivery of signed contract, until 15 July 2016

*Photo of delivery work for insertion in catalogues, until 15 July 2016

*Delivery of logos if any sponsors, until 15 July 2016

*Delivery of the works at the Art College in BH, until 20 July 2016

*Payment of the Cost sheet ( R$ 2.380,00 with 5% discount), until 05 August 2016, splitted in 06X , without interest, through nominal checks to College Art, maturity in: 05 of each month, being the first to 05 August 2016

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*Shipment of the works and organizing team- 26 August 2016

Exhibition schedule:

SOFIA – BULGARIA to 31 august to 10 September 2016

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1504 SOFIA
Shipka 6 Str
Opening in 02-09-2016 ACE 18 hs

OSLO – Norway 12 September to 22 September 2016

SigurdSyrsGate 4
0244 OSLO
Opening in 14-09-2016 ACE 18 hs

SANTO DOMINGO – DOMINICAN REPUBLIC of 24 September to 03 October 2016

Calle Isabel la Católica 202
Opening in 24-09-2016 ACE 18 hs

Contacts by e-mail:

marciamoura.art@gmail.com | colegearte@uol.com.br

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