Workshop lembra os 125 anniversary of the death of Maria Bueno

Workshop “O Retrato de Maria Bueno”. Divulgação
Workshop "O Portrait of Maria Bueno". Disclosure

The Gibiteca Curitiba place next Friday (2), at 19h, or workshop "O Portrait of Maria Bueno", consists of lecture and drawing class. The event recalls the 125 anniversary of the murder of this character of Curitiba history who gained fame and notoriety after his death, to be appointed as an intercessor of the population's demands in obtaining graces and miracles.

Given by the researcher of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, Clarissa Grassi, responsible for guided tours of the Municipal Cemetery San Francisco de Paula, and the coordinator of Gibiteca, Fulvio Pacheco, the action aims to address the existing information about the history of miraculous, trivia and controversies about its history, as the fact of being black. Maria Bueno died in 29 January 1893.

After the lecture Clarissa Grassi, Fulvio Pacheco will give a drawing lesson, providing opportunities for participants to create their own representations of the miraculous saint in format. The drawings will be produced in the grave exposed Maria Bueno, located in the Municipal Cemetery San Francisco de Paula.


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The event will last for 2 hours. Those interested in participating must apply for registration by e-mail

Workshop "O Portrait of Maria Bueno"
Local: Gibiteca Curitiba - R. President Carlos Cavalcanti, 533
Date and time: 2 February 2018 (Friday), from 19h to 21h
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