Workshop "Alchemy of Art" Artists


The gallery promotes M.Blois, in the days 24, 25 and 26 April, the workshop "ALCHEMY OF ART", taught by artist Ufilho (Ulysses Andrade).

Ulysses is Bahia, created in Rio and journalist training. In the 70, He left Brazil to live in London, and 1973 moved to New York.

But it was in Barcelona, the Tàpies Foundation, that plunged deep into the techniques and language of the Spanish master. researched, He studied and gave "contemporary language" and found the use of unusual materials, as support for his works.


He took everything she learned and began to teach workshops in Brazil.

This workshop is divided into, 3 days, with the first class 4h and the following 3h, when they will be taught 12 techniques:

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  • texture Tápies
  • Plaster
  • Linen fabric
  • concreting
  • black Pasta
  • Adobagem (mud paste)
  • Siliconagem
  • screen papyrus
  • bituminizing
  • Wood Pulp
  • Oxidation
  • Soilling (German technical the years 30)

This workshop aims to bring a new reading, new support for any kind of paint, is academic, abstract etc..

The workshop is all apostilled, all materials used in the techniques are provided by Professor, as we will make available for use during the lessons brushes, spatulas, among others, not having the need to bring the student. It is up to the student to bring: screens (12) 40×40 cm.

Phone: 21 99138-3522


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