VIII Cultural Shows YES – Cultural Centre by Edmund Chandra

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

As already disclosed earlier, happened day 5 January the opening of the VIII Mostra Cultural YES, in the cozy space SIM Cultural Center, Shopping Pátiomix located in Linhares / ES. Curated by Tati Kings.

The show runs until day 26 January 2017. Free entry.

The event had the presence of participating artists, guests and the general public. Where everyone could enjoy beautiful works of various styles.


The vernissage also counted on the special participation of the singer Gabriela R. Braga.

Shopping Pátiomix Linhares invests in education and culture in the form of partnership with SIM Cultural Center, curated Tati Kings, further strengthening its social commitment to the beautiful city.

The partnership beyond the physical exhibition space, Shopping Pátiomix Linhares has expanded its range of cultural events, It is soirees, theater, dance, art workshops and many other news.

Check out the photos:

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