Video Art at the National CAW Show in May


During the quarantine period between 18 and 28 de Maio happens the CAW National Competitive Theater Show, performed by CAW productions and under artistic direction by Ju Yao.

This year we received 180 entries from all over Brazil and artists from São Paulo were selected, Minas Gerais, Goiás and Rio de Janeiro for technical and artistic quality.

With social isolation, a Show em 2020 will be in digital video format and the audience that will choose the winning video, that takes a Cash Prize, a way to contribute to the artistic movement at such a difficult time for culture and society worldwide and to make the public's days lighter with Art.


Between presentations:

Presentation: Corona Clown

With Suelen Melo – GO

Synopsis: In times of isolation through the CODVID-19 pandemic, popularly known as Corona Virus, what is people's reaction? At a given moment in the universe, everything changes, from chaos to monotony, from boredom to chaos, from routine to leisure, from idleness to despair. This simple video is about restless bodies, in which he portrays the breach of expectation of a programmed discipline and which is now faced with his own anxiety contained in an unpredictably isolated body out of the way, but at the same time free.


Presentation: Little Red Riding Hood and the Vegetarian Wolf

With Cia Lona de Retalhos - SP


A snippet of the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood playing with new looks and other possibilities for this tale.


Presentation: The Trigger King

With Felipe Reis - SP

Synopsis: Tribute to Moreira da Silva. “The trigger king, Kid Morengueira the most feared gunslinger of Wichitta, narra um Super bang-bang.

Our Kid is feared by the bandits because he only shoots in the name of the law. ”


Presentation: Aggarwal

With Brief Company - BH

Synopsis: By burying your mother, Aparecida unearths her black identity and the stories of her ancestry. Go back to your origins to dig up everything that made you obey, mute and deny his namesake mother.

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Presentation: Chocolate Stories

With Fabíola Godoi - RJ

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Chocolate stories is an intimate scene that takes place in the kitchen of the character's home. It takes viewers to their birthday 5 years, 29 th December 1991, and there recalls visits, congratulations and childhood memories from the taste of chocolate.


Presentation: Values

With Frederico Mendonça - SP

Synopsis: “After the explosion, we saw what really matters in life.” A video performance experience with Physical Theater.


Presentation: Cinderella Sertaneja a Fairy Tale in the Sertão

With Davi Fernandes – RJ


A string that tells the story of the most famous princess in the world in a typical northeastern way.


Presentation: Mystics

With Camila Taffuri - RJ

Synopsis. Dança Yin Yang _ Camila & Tom


Days: between 18 – 28 of May 2020.
Preview: Free
Local: Instagram @cawproducoes

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