Vernissage 1º Carlos Zemek Salon of Visual Arts


Salão_de_Artes_Carlos_Zemek_Alberto_Massuda_2The 1º Arts Hall Carlos Zemek proposed a reflection on freedom of artistic expression, and opened the doors for professionals already awarded, and for those who are starting the wonderful way of arts.

An elegant evening in the charming restaurant Alberto Massuda in downtown of Curitiba-PR, with the presence of Artists, Literature with Eduardo Bettega and visitors who attended the event. We can realize a greater participation of young people in this environment, adhering to culture and fine arts earlier and earlier.

The jurors Katia Velo, Jô Oliveira, Ilia Ruiz and Raul Sady, they choseSalão_de_Artes_Carlos_Zemek_Alberto_Massuda (10) carefully the winner canvas. The result:


1º Place: Mari Inês Piekas

2º Place: Teresinha Massei

3º Place: Sandoval Tibúrcio

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4º Place: Ninón Muniz

The ArtWorks that participated in the Hall:

Event Photos:

Credit Photos: Tony Franco.

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