Come to Poemarço – Poetry Party

Come to Poemarço…


The first edition of Poetry Party – Poemarço, celebrates poetic art in a diversity of languages ​​building dialogues, exchanging knowledge and spreading the pleasure and taste for reading and writing poetry. The event that takes place between the days 10 and 14 March 2021, totally online, honors, in this edition, the poet and artist from Bahia Almandrade.


Are 5 feast days with 50 poets in programming!

Poemarço presents a rich and diverse selection. In the five days of the event, important names of contemporary poetry from Bahia and Brazil will be on multiplatforms, as discussion tables, workshops, poetry soiree, artistic exhibitions of video-poems and unpublished and exclusive poetic shows, all broadcast online through the event channels.

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For more schedule information visit the party website.

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