Valinhos receives the exhibition “Wanderings in Strange Lands”, by Genivaldo Amorim


The exhibition is part of the Trajectories Project, organized by Coletivo Ocupe.Arte, and will feature the launch of the second volume of a book that will honor the artist

Coletivo Ocupe.Arte announced the exhibition “Andanças por Terras Estranhas”, by artist Genivaldo Amorim. The show, that will occur between the days 5 and 30 April, in the city of Valinhos, is part of the second edition of the Project Trajectories, which was born to be an encyclopedia of Valianse arts and artists.

The second edition of the project registers, through exhibitions and a book, the work of the artist from Paraná, based in Valinhos, Genivaldo Amorim. With works produced in the last 30 years, since the first paintings in 1993 to his latest production, including facilities, paintings and projects made in collaboration with other artists, the project outlines an overview of this trajectory.


The exhibition will present, at the Museum and Municipal Collection Photographer Haroldo Ângelo Pazinatto, a series of works ranging from the first three paintings by Genivaldo, painted in 1993, two of which were the artist's first abstract works, going through the Psycho-Enigmas series (1995-1997), period from the first exposure, at the João do Monte gallery, in 1995, the first group exhibition, in 1996, the Panorama of the Visual Arts of Valinhos and the first participations in art salons.

The exhibition will also bring the first works where red came to appear as a recurring and protagonist element., up to the current stage, including records of installations carried out from 2015, plus a new installation, which will be mounted in an external space of the museum and which will be illuminated by solar lamps. The curatorship will be by the artist himself..

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The second volume of the bilingual book Trajectories, with 160 pages, images and texts by curators Andrés I. M. Hernández, Heldilene Reale in Allan Yzumizawa, will be sold from the opening of the Valinhos exhibition and will cost R$ 40. The sale will also be made by email.:

This is a project carried out with the support of ProAC ICMS. The ProAC ICMS is the modality of the program to promote culture in the state of São Paulo, which works through incentive sponsorships and tax waivers.

Exhibition “Walks through Strange Lands”, in Valinhos

Museum and Municipal Collection “Photographer Haroldo Angelo Pazinatto”
Address: Twelfth of October Street, s/nº – Center (Train station), Valinhos SP
Opening: 05/04, to 19:00
Visitation: From 06 to 30/04, Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:00 to 16:30

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