“UNIVERSE” Art exhibition in the library Mayor Prestes Maia in São Paulo


Following short presentation of Biblioteca Mayor Prestes Maia in São Paulo, where the artist of Osório / RS, Maria Mallmann, taking inspiration from the Universe, will expose his pictorial works.

With the participation of guest artists, the sculptors Caciporé Torres and Paulino Torrubia Lazur (*), names of brazilian art, the exhibition will be open to the public from the day 3 of October.

The President Kennedy Library had his name changed to Mayor Prestes Maia in October 2005 by Decree 46.434 to create the Municipal Library System.


The seven-story building, with 7 1000 square meters of built area, featuring lobby and Auditorium and large spaces for the most diverse cultural manifestations, have similar size to Mário de Andrade library. On the ground floor is located the enclosure for art shows and other activities, on the first floor Prestes Maia Collection and in the other floors houses a collection of Rico 12 1000 books in various languages that address varied issues, such as, architecture, urbanism, aesthetics, history and literature, In addition to magazines and books specializing in works of art.

Following the design of thematic libraries, After a major reform, was inaugurated in 27 th December 2012 as the tenth thematic unit, offering a specialized collection in architecture and urbanism.

The artist Maria Mackenzie participated in collective shows in São Paulo Planet Water and Planet Light. In Caraguatatuba participated in the shows Sea, with the support of City Hall.

In Piracicaba participated in the shows Open all Windows, all under the curatorship of Carlos Augusto de Almeida.

(*) Guest artists;


www.al.sp.gov.br/noticia/?ID = 259233

Project summary

Aims to bring to the exhibition grounds located in the library Mayor Prestes Maia in São Paulo – SP, art show of an artist in the southern region of the country, and now in the company of enshrined Caciporé Torres and Paulino Torrubia Lazur, come show us your works resulting from a new phase, a lot of research and a time of transition, How do you explain the artist herself;

“A matter of transition, a date.
It's not about simply changing technique, abandoning the brushes.
Goes beyond.
This is release of styles, techniques, Stigmata…
Not to worry in a quest for perfect risk, for details.
This is to allow my instinct guide me, flowing and transcending my limits, and thus creating, free of any external influences. A real creative expansion by perception.
It is a pure connection, a direct connection to my art.
It's about my deeper I.
And today I can express it in my works.
This is my essence”

Maria Mallmann


The challenge is a component that is part of the contemporary world and largest in the artist's life, Maria lives of challenges, in his pictorial work the faces of front, without fears, the gaze of the artist who at first seems to be just the contemplation, but when you look at your work, We note the powerful force of the proposed theme.

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The Universe, theme of his works, runs on a reading almost abstracted, where we perceive its essence represented on screen by the free interpretation of the artist.

The intent of this show is to provide to the public contact with new forms of creation, Awakening and expanding further our understanding on relevant issues.

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Carlos Augusto de Almeida

Curator of the exhibition


“Universe” Art show

Artist: Maria Mallmann, of Osório RS

Guest artists: Caciporé Torres and Paulino Torrubia Lazur

▪ Curadoria: Carlos Augusto de Almeida.
▪ Support: Biblioteca Mayor Prestes Maia
Opening: Day 3 of October the 14:00 hours.

Exhibition: Of the day 4 October day 3 November 2015.


Monday-Friday, 09:00 to 18:00 hours.
Saturday from 09:00 to 16:00 hours.
Biblioteca Mayor Prestes Maia

Av. João Dias, 822

Santo Amaro – 04724-001

São Paulo, SP
Tel.: 11 5687-0513

Coordinator: Tatiana Rodrigues do Nascimento


Entrance: free

Cultural production and curating: Carlos Augusto de Almeida

Tel: (11) 98363.5013 / email: carlosaugusto.arte@gmail.com

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