Universidade Candido Mendes launches an unpublished MBA for Professions of the Future


Universidade Candido Mendes launches an unpublished MBA for Professions of the Future

Creative economy and cities beginning on 01 August

Games, Applications, Digital Culture, Design Thinking, Economy of Neuromarketing and entertainment are just some of the subjects of the newest MBA from Universidade Candido Mendes


Following the market trends, to University Candido Mendes (UCAM) launches – in agreement with the AssociatesBrazilian tion of Gestisthe Cultural (ABGC) and the Facultad de Ciencias EconoMICAS, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina – the first post-graduate in Creative economy and Cities of Brazil. Classes start day 1 August happen fortnightly on Saturdays, from 8:0 to 5:0 pm.

The creative economy has received great encouragement from Governments to contain a huge potential for social transformation, economical, urban and cultural. The theme is very commented, but little understood. Graduate School aims to prepare professionals able to deal with innovation, entrepreneurship and business. The course has a total of 360 hours and brings together teaching professionals of international scale, deep knowledge and expertise practice.

Teachers and international experts propose an innovative curricular structure, composed of four complementary modules. "Each one brings together a thorough conceptual approach, case studies, visits to creative enterprises and international days taught by experts from foreign institutions. The course is open to graduates of all disciplines who wish to acquire additional multi-pronged looks ", Invites the academic Coordinator, Katia de Marco.

The MBA curriculum is divided into four modules. The metersostructural module covers subjects such as development strategies; indicators and studies; and the fundamental bases of culture, citizenship and identity. The metersointerface module It is the connections, innovations and culture in creative cities; collaborative management of cities in transformation; equity as an investment; Creative tourism; international relations and cultural diplomacy and management of museums. The metersoinstrumental module studies of intellectual property rights; design thinking; Neuromarketing; entrepreneurship; mechanisms of economic viability; incentive laws and design and evaluation of projects. On metersosector module, students will understand the changing languages: digital culture; the entertainment economy; games and applications; the audiovisual business; whitheraway communication; sets, contemporary art and design.

At the end of each module, two innovations: the students will visit institutions to know the processes behind the products that the general public knows. "When the project is not the river, as the international Paraty Literature (Flip), the professionals will come to the classroom to tell how the management of fact. In short, everything that has been discussed throughout the module, will be seen in practice: Tips, traps, opportunities, challenges, the role of the community, as the city develops. "explains the Coordinator MBA content, Dra. Ana Carla Fonseca. Are already scheduled visits to the Museum of image and sound, Observatory of Favelas, Art Museum of Rio (MAR), Cine Point, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), Projac and design Fair Hype.


Watch the video with the content coordinator Ana Carla Fonseca:


Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa

Cultural and Social Studies program

Assembly Street, 10 – room 616 – Center – RJ

Tel.: (21) 3543-6489 / 3543-6457

e-mail: pecs@candidomendes.edu.br

CargahortoRIA: 360 h

Lastsintegrationthe: 17 months

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Period: August 2015 the December 2016

Days and working hourstorivers: bi-weekly classes, always on Saturdays, from 8:0 to 5:0 pm.

Local: Campus Center - Meeting Street, 10 / room 616 - Center – Rio de Janeiro

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Content coordinator – Profa. Dra. Ana Carla Fonseca Reis – PhD in architecture and urbanism (USP). Master in business administration (USP), Public Administrator (FGV/SP), Economist (USP), MBA (The Cabral Foundation). Founder of the company "Camp-economy solutions, culture and development ". International consultant and lecturer in 5 languages and 25 countries, author or editor of eight books, as "economy of culture and Sustainable Development" (Jabuti Award 2007).


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