an exhibition, one stop, a procession, two cultural centers and lots of art. this is the parade 7!

an exhibition, one stop, a procession, two cultural centers and lots of art. this is the parade 7!


On 7 September art and culture will make their voices heard around democracy, of independence and the Brazilian social situation. The Federal Justice Cultural Center and the Helio Oiticica Municipal Art Center came together in a major artistic/cultural event. And we need your help and participation:

We will make a big Brazilian art exhibition who talks about Brazil today, from now. And on the opening day we will make an artistic parade between the two institutions, from Cinelândia to Praça Tiradentes, in the center of Rio de Janeiro. We need your help to carry out this event and also your participation. Collaborate with crowdfunding through Platform Improvement, where you will find more details of the event, plus multiple collaboration options.

Federal Justice Cultural Center


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Av. Rio Branco, 241 - Center
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
POSTAL CODE 20040-009
(55 21) 3261-2550Open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 11:00 to 7:00 pm

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