Plastic artist and environmental columnist from Espírito Santo, Isabela Castello offers propositional reflections for children and young people on the paths that humanity must take in the post-Covid world
Much remains to be said about the Coronavirus pandemic and its impacts on the world's population..
After the critical period and with expansion of vaccination coverage, the question remains: what humanity learned from this invisible enemy? In the book Corina and Corona: learnings from the pandemic, the capixaba author Isabella Castle dialogue on the topic with a specific audience: adolescents and young.
The narrative permeates the relationship between the two characters that give title to the work: Corina, a girl who lost her beloved and admired grandmother to Covid-19, by Corona, the personified virus.
This encounter is established when, recluse in her room, sad to remember grandma, the protagonist plunges into a dream. in the form of dialogues, they talk not just about grief, but about the neglect of government officials and the population regarding environmental issues, social, of health, education and culture.
— It's what Harari was talking about even before the pandemic.
These solutions need to be global.
You can no longer think only of yourself or your country.
To contain such a pandemic, you need to include all.
And this inclusion passes, necessarily, for reducing global economic inequality.
(Corina and Corona, p. 40)
Plastic artist, designer and environmental columnist, the author also incorporates other characters borrowed from classics in the dialogues. literature, like the animals of The Animal Revolution and The Animal Farm, de George Orwell. the scenario of Alice in Wonderland, and the Garnier Palace, from The Phantom of the Opera, also help to enrich the plot built under a bucolic perspective.
loaded on purpose, Corina and Corona updates and contextualizes the pandemic agenda for children and youth readers – and goes beyond this audience – to emphasize the need for current and future generations to review their attitudes with a view to a better tomorrow for all. “It seems that when we resume our routines, in the post-pandemic, many of the learnings were forgotten. We are returning to the same pattern of consumption and lifestyle as before the pandemic. We urgently need to review this”, highlights Isabela.
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The work also pays homage to Judith Leão Castello Ribeiro, first woman in Brazil to participate in an election and the first state deputy from Espírito Santo. author's great-aunt, Judith was a teacher, writer and was the first president of the Female Academy of Letters of the State of Espírito Santo.
Title: A Corina or Corona
Author: Isabella Castle
Pages: 94
ISBN: 978-65-86358-38-4
Format: 15cm x 21cm
Price: R$ 51,90
sale link: Americans, shoptime
About the author: The book A Corina or Corona marks the debut of Isabela Castello in literature with the aim of promoting reflection on the learning that the pandemic has provided for humanity. A book for teenagers and young people, future guardians of planet earth. Graduated in Business Administration, with graduation, MBA and Master in Business Management. She is a designer and artist. His creativity has always been channeled into the visual arts., creating frames, sculptures and furniture.
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