Exposure ends season on 4 November
The Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the Institute's management Odeon, closes on 4 November the exhibition season "Tunga - the rigor of distraction". Having centered on the production of the artist drawings, the show brings together about 200 works, many of them unpublished, created between 1975 and 2015. The project was conducted by the Trustees Luisa Duarte and Evandro Salles, cultural Director of the sea, in partnership with the Institute Tunga.
Critical published on 22 August, the paper sheet S. Paul gave full credit to the exhibition. The text signed by the writer, critic and teacher Laura Erber pointed out that "unlike many posthumous exhibitions that are content with the auratic appeal of mourning or the transformation of the estate in shrine, this revolves the legacy of Tunga as vivid and dynamic stuff ". In an article published by the magazine Veja Rio, the artist Beatriz Milhazes stressed the importance of Tunga: "He mixed life and work on a single thought. The creations were part of your body, his speech, their dress. That character will be forever in memory of those who lived with him ".

Organized chronologically, the show reveals that Tunga was no expert in only one language. "Heavy Em, the design was taken as the drafting space. It is from them that, and often, They are born and develop the fundamental poetic of his work, which then expands to other media, as photos, performances, videos and fictional texts ", account Evandro Salles. Sculptures, movies, photographs and texts (designed by the artist as works) complete exposure, that happens 12 years after the last individual artist in Rio de Janeiro and is the first after his death, in 2016, in the city where he chose to live.
The public can follow this process along a route that includes works from the years 1970, when already it announced the strong bond of Tunga with psychoanalysis, through core presenting highlights of work, as the series "Siamese twins Capillary" (1984) and "Sowing Mermaids" (1987) and, more recently, watercolors "Almost Auroras" (2009). They will still be on display a number of studies - drawings that relate to sculptural works coming.
Another aspect that is evident is partnerships by the artist lifelong. In the video "Rescue" (2001) are present the composer and poet Arnaldo Antunes and choreographer Lia Rodrigues. But the movie "Silver Nerve" (1986), on the other hand, It is a partnership with Arthur Omar.
According to curator, the exhibition title, taken from a writing from the artist himself, It reflects the interest of the alliance between Tunga unconscious and poetic program: "The rigor of distraction condenses an important idea for the artist, which is, to value what happens while we are distracted or even sleeping, dreaming - when the unconscious emerges - and connect it to an accuracy, an action that has an extremely sophisticated poetic program both in formal terms and in terms conceptual ", Luisa ends.
Born in Pernambuco and settled in Rio de Janeiro, Tunga has become one of the most important names of his generation. Integrated X Documenta Kassel, 1997, curated by Catherine David. Tunga was also the first contemporary artist to have an open work on the Louvre Pyramid, Paris, in 2005.
The Art Museum of the river-SEA
An initiative of the City of Rio in partnership with Roberto Marinho Foundation, the sea has activities that involve collecting, registration, search, preservation and return of cultural property to the community. Proactive support space education and culture, the museum was born with a school - the School Look -, whose proposal is innovative museological: foster the development of an educational program of reference for actions in Brazil and abroad, combining art and education based on the curatorial program that guides the institution. The SEA is managed by Instituto Odeon, a social organization of culture, selected by Municipality of Rio de Janeiro by public notice. The Museum has the Grupo Globo as maintainer.
The School of the Look is sponsored by State Law for the Encouragement of Culture of Rio de Janeiro, of Dataprev and One Health via Municipal law of incentive to culture. The Aliansce supports educational visits – SEA departed via Rouanet Law. The Green supports the training program with Teachers Look School via Rouanet Law. The Vivo program sponsors or culture MAR Music 2018 by State Law for Cultural Incentives. The Sea also has the support of the State Government of Rio de Janeiro, and completion of Ministry of Culture e do Federal Government of Brazil by Federal Law for Promotion of Culture.
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Entrance: R$ 20 The R $ 10 (half price) - for people up to 21 years, private school students, university, disabled people and public servants of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The sea is part of the Carioca Program Pays Half, offering half price to locals and residents of the city of Rio de Janeiro in all cultural institutions linked to City Hall. Present a document proving (identity, proof of residence, water bills, light, pay phone with, tops, three months of issue) and remove your ticket at the box office. Payment by cash or card (Visa or Mastercard).
Single Ticket: R$ 32 – R$ 16 (half price) for locals and residents in Rio de Janeiro, on presentation of supporting documentation or proof of residence. Supporting documents will be considered those that contain the birthplace, such as RG, driver's license, portfolio of work, Passport etc.. Will be considered proof of residence titles of collection with a maximum 3 (three) months of issue, as water services, light, landline or natural gas, duly accompanied by official document of identification with photo (RG, driver's license, portfolio of work, Passport etc.) of the user.
Policy free: Pay no entry-on presentation of evidentiary documentation – students from public (teaching elementary and middle), children up to 5 years or people from 60, public school teachers, employees of museums, groups in situations of social vulnerability educational visit, Neighbors of the sea and tourist guides. Tuesdays admission is free to the general public.
Tuesday to Sunday, das 10h às 17h. On Mondays the museum closes to the public. For more info, contact by phone (55 21) 3031-2741 or visit www.museudeartedorio.org.br.
Address: Praca Maua, 5 - Center.