Tukum will release single and music video after winning LoungeFest 2nd wave

The group won the festival conducted by music producer Tony Oliveira


With more than 500 registered artists, the Tukum was the winner of LoungeFest 2ª wave, one copyright music contest organized by Lounge Studios. The project is headed by the music producer Tony Oliveira, who has vast international experience and who is back in Brazil after a season of 18 years in Los Angeles, where he founded the LA Lounge Studios.

The festival awards the winner with the production of an unreleased single, the production of the music video for the song, coaching, career analysis and several other awards, conducted by professionals with extensive experience in the phonographic market. This time, the band organizes itself for the development of the project.

Formed by multiple artists Flávio Cardoso, Bruno Oliveri and Luisa Pitta, the Tukum is an independent and nomadic trio. The experiences on the roads, in a period of performances throughout Brazil, inspired the band to create several songs, which resulted in his first copyrighted album called “22 days on foot”.


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In addition to taking first place in the LoungeFest, the band is competing for the National Song Festival. One of the more than 1.300 songs entered in the historic Festival, “Stories of Seu Zé” by Tukum, was between the 56 selected, besides being among the 15 most voted by the public. In the days 03,04,05 and 06 September the National Song Festival goes on air and we'll meet the winners.

Until now, the new single and the music video for Tukum, which will be produced by Lounge Studios, is in the production process and has no release forecast yet..

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