Timbuca and Fiúza, artists the Baixada Fluminense region, They are exhibition theme in Santa Teresa


A Modernists Gallery, located in the cultural district of Santa Teresa, receives, even day 22 September, the exhibition “The Four Elements and Timbuca Fiúza” – a posthumous tribute to two artists as important cultural scene in the Baixada Fluminense region. The show, with short, is coordinating the visual artist Raimundo Rodriguez and opening text of art critic and associate professor of IART-DEACP-UERJ Renata Gesomino.

The artists Deneir, Jorge Duarte, Julio Ferreira Sekiguchi and Raimundo Rodriguez expose copyright works in parallel works of Timbuca and Fiúza belonging to their personal collections.

“Timbuca and Fiúza are two great names of art marking a singular cultural production in the Lowlands. With an emphasis on popular cultural context, his works aim to reveal, timeless way, the complexity of the poetic of the "proletariat". A beauty that lies in the hands of calluses working vigorously, tirelessly in search of form, the color, relief and the depth. Reinvent the practices diluted and survival knowledge of surrounding areas through art and its undeniable need”, Renata Gesomino describes in the text show.


The works of Timbuca and Fiúza are prepared from raw materials such as leftovers: gypsum plaster, aluminum cans, galvanized sheet, burned wire, Styrofoam and endless and unimaginable remains of many other materials. Just as the works of four contemporary artists who are his disciples. Julio Ferreira has Sekiguchi “paintings, posters”. Deneir kinetic sculptures. Jorge Duarte presents paintings brochadas. And, finally, Raimundo Rodriguez presents his series “Estates” and other works, that create a narrative with the story of Timbuca, Fiuza and other artists collective exhibition.

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“Continuing these knowledge and practices the artists Raimundo Rodriguez, Julio Ferreira Sekiguchi, Jorge Duarte de Souza and Deneir honor Timbuca and Fiúza in collective exhibition in Modernists Gallery in Santa Tereza. Causing a rift within the limits set by the artistic field between art and crafts, the erudite and the popular and other antinomies institutionalized, the artists take on the legacy left by Timbuca and Fiúza mistaking the quality criteria and developing subversive aesthetic that contradict aseptic trends in international contemporary art. It creates a kind of Brazilianness, from the fragments sensible apprehension of materiality life of bulk, reflecting a real notion of "people" – that permanently marginalized and made invisible by the government”, explains Renata Gesomino the exhibition text.

The exhibition is on until 22 September 2019. The entrance to the show is free and free for all ages. To visit just attend Modernists Gallery, which is located at Rua Paschoal Carlos Magno, nº 39, Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro. Visitation schedules: Wednesday the second, from 11:00 to 5:00 pm, being, exceptionally, 10h to 14h on Sundays.

Collective exhibition “The Four Elements and Timbuca Fiúza”
Coordination: Raimundo Rodriguez
Text: Renata Gesomino
Period: 01 September to 22 September
Gallery Modernists Rua Paschoal Carlos Magno, 39 – Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro
Visiting hours: fourth second, from 11:00 to 5:00 pm. Being Sunday, from 10 am to 14h.
Alternative times book by email galeriamodernistas@gmail.com
Phone: 21 981393892 and 21 34865387
Free entry
Censorship: Free

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