The Secret Door of Cynthia Ross, by Juliana Vannucchi

Juliana Vannucchi is graduated in Social Communication, degree in Philosophy and Editor-in-Chief of the website Fanzine Brasil.
Juliana Vannucchi is graduated in Social Communication, has degree in Philosophy and editor-in-chief of the site Fanzine Brasil.

Canadian bassist and poet Cynthia Ross, one of New York's biggest punk legends, breathes art from a young age, It was during his childhood that he learned to play the piano.

Later on, Ross switched to double bass and experienced all the effervescence of the most explosive period of North American punk rock in his youth., closely following the emergence and maturation of C.B.G.B's main bands, and forming during this period, your own author group, chamado The ‘B’ Girls, which was made up only of women.

However, Cynthia's band quickly dissolved, even though it remained at the top during its brief period of activity.


The energetic Canadian, although, even after the end of your group, remained firm and active on stage and especially in the production of her poetry, full of feeling and passion and which ended up becoming his main artistic axis and the great direction of his life, in which, gradually, He moved away from his instrument so that he could dedicate himself entirely to his poems..

As a result of this poetic endeavor, in 2024, Cynthia Ross announced the release of her first solo spoken word album, o “The Secret Door”, which features the talented multi-instrumentalist Tim Bovaconti.

As Ross told: “Tim had the studio. I had the words. It was something I had wanted to do for years and Tim showed up to provide me with the path to that realization.. I will be forever grateful that our collaboration worked so smoothly.”.

The publicity of this production, whose recordings began in mid- 2023, was carried out precisely during a poetry reading tour that Cynthia carried out in the USA and Canada.

Tim and Cynthia reflected on the album's meaning: “It talks about the power of expressing thoughts and feelings by accessing the inner voice and having the courage to go through the secret door”.

Cynthia has a creative and profound way of writing, and his poems are capable of engaging in a direct dialogue with the reader's soul, who simply detaches himself from the material world to experience the metaphysical celebrations offered by his poetry.

The arduous and challenging worldly reality in which we find ourselves, It's more exciting and less bitter when we have a careful dose of poetry to get us drunk, and Ross offers these moments through his innate poetic gift.

Her dexterity with words makes her a true sibyl who provides us with a mystical and hallucinating experience.

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O “The Secret Door”, and, It is a truly cathartic aesthetic experience, that opens new and magical doors to the listener.

Cynthia Ross, that transforms every detail of the universe into art, has something to say to your heart…

Thanks to the photographers for the photographs provided to compose this article:

Sorocaba – São Paulo
Instagram | Website Fanzine Brasil


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