Registration for the INCAWSA Environmental Short Film and Video Festival

InCawsa Environmental Short Film Festival, Gericino Park. Photo: Ju Yao.

This Festival is being offered by the State Government of Rio de Janeiro, State Secretariat for Culture and Creative Economy and State Culture Fund, through the Culture Present in the Networks Program. The InCawsa Environmental Short Film Festival, films and videos can show selective collection, reuse of materials, sustainability, preservation and conservation, degradation and pollution of … Read more

Exhibition at the Cultural Box Rio de Janeiro discusses the relationship of humans with the environment

Series When I Saw - Libraries. Photography by Claudia Jaguaribe.

Concrete nature displays pictures, videos and installations of 17 Brazilian artists and groups the Cultural BOX Rio de Janeiro presents, from 9 September to 12 th November of 2017, Concrete Nature exposure, discussing and deepens a permanent interest in art, in science and philosophy: the relationships of human beings with nature and … Read more