How to be free following the heart? Therapist Claudia Zeni talks about routine changes, career and life from experiences in different cultures

Claudia Zeni. Photo: Personal collection / MF Press Global.

A little over ten years ago, the therapist has been deepening in studies of different ancestral philosophies and traditions; She left her promising career as an engineer and after deep dives over the past few years, sexologist graduated, transpersonal and integrative therapist, and is currently dedicated to offering lectures, experiences and assistance focused on … Read more

Recognize the four reasons for dissatisfaction with your life and how to deal with everyone

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Personal archive.

Psychoanalyst and neuroscientist Fabiano de Abreu lists the main factors that generate dissatisfaction and discouragement in people and how to deal with these negative feelings Anger, sadness, loneliness, frustration and anxiety. Feelings that are more and more frequent in everyday life and have been aggravated by the pandemic. They are the cause / consequence of that lack of interest in the activities of the … Read more

Philosopher points to win and to distinguish laziness, inertia and achieve their goals in life

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: MF Global Press.

How often do we come across someone stagnant, comatose, apparently unable to make decisions and fight for his goals or for a better life? Given this, o primeiro julgamento que vem à mente de muitos pode ser atestar que aquele individuo é um preguiçoso, acomodado ou que não tem ambição. However, poucosRead more

Romance shows the challenges of choices and renunciations of life

The difficult task of facing the consequences of life choices and stuffed waivers. This is the plot of the book "Place of Frogs Full", Celina Moraes writer. The play is about the fabulous uncertainty of the future and the many possibilities through the decisions that people make in their lives. O romance narraRead more

Philosopher points out the necessity of suffering for the improvement of human life

The Abreu Fabiano philosopher believes that suffering is part of life and can be crucial for us to have, paradoxically, better lives How often we think of ways to avoid suffering and pain in our lives? Many. Human beings generally seeks to avoid suffering at all costs, seja essa dorRead more

“We reached more years, but we have less time to live”, says Fabiano de Abreu

The philosopher said to have found the answer to the question: Do not you think the time is passing too fast? There are 40 years, a person 50 years was considered an old. Women wore coke and men dressed formally, and they were respected for being old. Currently, "Young elderly" of 70 full years show signs of youth. … Read more

October Pink + November Blue: Celebrating life! by Rosângela Vig

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: The wind swept the lights, The wind swept the songs the wind swept the aromas,… And my life was increasingly full of aromas, of stars, of singing. (BANDEIRA, 2008. p. 105) Art diversifies, Sometimes it takes unusual forms, … Read more

Life for Giovani de Arruda Campos

A blast or an eternity. Depends on your point of view. It depends on the personality. Some believe that is infinite, others who is longing. There's no denying that has its uniqueness. Many times, forget your existence. Other times the feelings in our skin. When go unnoticed is that we're running out of time to live. As if … Read more
