Open-air museum reinforces Paraná’s position in the Brazilian cultural and artistic itinerary

Parque Geminiani Momesso. Photo: Disclosure/Gabriel Teixeira @gabriel.gtart.

The 25 km from Londrina, Geminiani Momesso Park houses relevant works of art in the city of Ibiporã, among them 60 sculptures and a pavilion dedicated to Angelo Venosa Geminiani Momesso Park is an open-air art museum located in Ibiporã, to 25 kilometers from Londrina, where it already houses a pavilion in honor … Read more

Rio de Janeiro hosts the exhibition “Victor Brecheret and the Modern Art Week of 1922”

Others He has done, Men working, 1922, card oil, 220 x 290 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

With approximately 50 works, twelve of them members of the historic event at Theatro Municipal de São Paulo in 1922, exhibition highlights, in four modules, rare and emblematic works by Victor Brecheret (1894-1955) and other modernist artists A Pinakotheke Cultural Rio de Janeiro, in collaboration with the Victor Brecheret Institute and the cultural initiative of … Read more


Author: Antonio Ferrigno. Title: stone of the forest (St. Vincent). Year: 1905. Technique: oil s / screen. Dimensions: 29 x 36 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

An important legacy for the Brazilian artistic and cultural scene Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo – BUT / SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, in partnership with SOCIARTE, exhibits the collective exhibition “Our Italian Artists”, curated by Ruth Sprung Tarasantchi who selects 81 works, between … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: Villa Antica auction, Art and Antiques

LASAR SEGALL, Portrait of Lucy, featured. Ost, 33 x 40. Signed in the cse and dated 1936.

ART AUCTION AND ANTIQUES Days 25 and 26 of May 2021 Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 pm AUCTION BY PHONE AND ONLINE Information, previous bids and call scheduling for the trading session: Fixed: (11) 3062-0022 Whatsapp: (11) 9.4347-8442 / (11) 9.8136-3652   AUCTIONEER Flavia Cardoso Soares - JUCESP Nº 948   LOCAL Villa … Read more