5 tips for decorating outdoor areas without renovation

5 tips for decorating outdoor areas without renovation. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

Add personality and warmth to balconies and backyards with plants, vibrant colors, suitable furniture, e dê um toque de charme até na lavanderia A decoração dos ambientes externos merece uma atenção especial. Backyards and balconies are a space of comfort and well-being, whether for leisure time with the family, confraternizarRead more

Home porch can unite warmth and utility

Home porch can unite warmth and utility. Photo the Donald Tong.

Businesswoman Priscila Prieto explains that space can be a place to rest, work and leisure Since the pandemic, more welcoming homes that serve different functions have become a priority for the Brazilian population. Balconies have become crucial spaces in these homes., como alternativa para receber as pessoas ou fazer uma refeiçãoRead more

Integrated balcony is a good option or not? know about

Integrated balcony is a good option or not? know about. Photo: Max Vakhtbovych.

Having the balcony integrated is a new interior decoration trend that has conquered more and more people., because it is an excellent option especially for apartments. After all, with smaller and smaller apes, It's important to take advantage of every space, and why not create an integrated balcony? Essa tendência apresenta uma possibilidadeRead more

How to set up a winter garden on the balcony of your apartment?

How to set up a winter garden on the balcony of your apartment?. Photo: cottonbro no Pexels.

A winter garden is an excellent investment for people looking to have a more beautiful and attractive apartment., in addition to drawing a lot of attention for its charm and for bringing a beauty that only plants can. Today's text will cover how to set up your own winter garden on your porch, such as … Read more

"How to improve your gourmet balcony!"Jessica Theodoro

Learn everything to improve their gourmet balcony! With our changing habits, the gourmet balcony is a preferred owner place to welcome friends and family and became important and operative, time to think about the purchase of the apartment and how to decorate it in a functional way, and more and more beautiful. Check out some … Read more

“Reflection of our habits in the kitchen and balcony” by Jessica Tan

With the passage of time, our habits have changed and this reflected in our house and apartments. In the 80, the apartments were bigger rooms and bathrooms employed. Nowadays, this room practically no longer exists and the demand for gourmet balcony is important when choosing a new home. … Read more
