UCAM in partnership with MAM RIO open registration for the new class of the pioneering MBA course in Cultural Management and Production

UCAM in partnership with MAM RIO open registration for the new class of the pioneering MBA course in Cultural Management and Production, featured. Disclosure.

University Candido Mendes / Brazilian Cultural Management Association in partnership with the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro – Mam Rio open registration for the new class of the pioneering MBA course in Management and Cultural Production: 08 May of 2021 Hours: 364 h Duration: 18 months Hybrid system on biweekly Saturdays (classrooms … Read more

Universidade Candido Mendes performs free Lecture with Maria Ignez Mantovani Franco

EVENT MARKS NEW CLASS OF MBA IN MANAGEMENT OF MUSEUMS, HELD in PARTNERSHIP with MUSEU DE ARTE DO RIO-SEA according to National Museums (CNM), currently there are more than 3000 museums in Brazil. Form and specialized professionals to plan, gerenciar e garantir a sustentabilidade dentro na nova realidade da administraçãoRead more

Universidade Candido Mendes performs Today, 30, às 18h30, Inaugural class open to the public

LECTURE WITH MARCUS FAUSTINI OPENS AN MBA COURSE IN CULTURAL MANAGEMENT The course was a pioneer in Brazil and has 12 anos vem exercendo um papel extraordinário na formação de executivos do setor cultural Ainda é possível se inscrever para a nova turma da pós-graduação lato sensu em Gestão Cultural da Universidade Candido Mendes, com inícioRead more

Candido Mendes University Launches Unprecedented Course for Professions of the future

Universidade Candido Mendes launches a unique course for those looking for professions of the future Extension Course on Creative Economy and Cities starts in September Keeping up with market trends, the Candido Mendes University (UCAM) launches, in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cultural Management (ABGC), um curso de extensão em Economia Criativa e Cidades. The … Read more

Universidade Candido Mendes launches an unpublished MBA for Professions of the Future

Candido Mendes University launches unprecedented MBA for those looking for Future Professions Creative economy and cities starts in 01 of august Games, Applications, Digital Culture, Design Thinking, Economia do Entretenimento e Neuromarketing são apenas algumas das matérias do mais novo MBA da Universidade Candido Mendes Acompanhando as tendências do mercado, the Candido Mendes University … Read more

June/15 – Open registration for New Class of the postgraduate course in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University

Registration for the New Class of the Postgraduate Course in Cultural Production at Candido Mendes University is open. The course is held in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cultural Management (ABGC) Registrations are now open for the new class of lato sensu in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University (UCAM). The course was a pioneer in … Read more

Open registration for New Class of the postgraduate course in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University

Registration for the New Class of the Postgraduate Course in Cultural Production at Candido Mendes University is open. The course is held in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cultural Management (ABGC) Registrations are now open for the new class of lato sensu in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University (UCAM). The course was a pioneer in … Read more

Art Museum of Rio and Universidade Candido Mendes open unpublished MBA Management Museums Open to the Public Lecture by Adriane Constant

Art Museum of Rio and Universidade Candido Mendes open unpublished MBA Management Museums Open to the Public Lecture by Adriane Constant Candido Mendes University – UCAM – LAUNCHES UNIQUE MBA IN MANAGEMENT OF MUSEUMS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ARTS MUSEUM OF RIO (MAR) SERGIO SA Pig, MUNICIPAL SECRETARY OF CULTURE, E ANGELORead more