Start again as many times as needed! Who does not give up, achievement!

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: CPAH.

We often talk about luck as if it were a random factor that builds itself. Not! Luck is synonymous with work, of perseverance and focus. We talked to the neuroscientist, psychoanalyst and philosopher Fabiano de Abreu on the construction of dreams and how we should face the difficulties along this path. “The luck of each … Read more

Book analyzes ethics and human relations in the corporate world

Wagner Siqueira, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

What are the implications of morals and ethics in the business world? This is the central theme of the book “Organizations are moral?”, administrator Wagner Siqueira, Federal advisor by the Regional Administration Council of Rio de Janeiro (CRA-RJ) and director general of the Corporate University of the Administrator (UCAdm). The purpose of the work is to analyze how doctrines are formed, the ideologies, the theories and … Read more