Book sales increase in Brazil and authors create expectations for Black Friday

Larissa Pessoa, Andrew Oliveira and Maurizio Ruzzi. Photo: Disclosure.

With growth in book sales during the Covid-19 pandemic, authors share their views on what to expect from Black Friday Brazil is the second country where the most talked about Black Friday on Twitter, according to a survey of the platform itself; in addition, the data states that 47% of people would buy books, comics … Read more

Five Brazilian urban fantasy authors to meet in 2020

Renata Ventura. Photo: Disclosure.

Meet five national authors who have ventured into this genre A complicated year as 2020 it is approaching the end, and because it was a year that a pandemic took over the world, many people were quarantined, and in Brazil it was no different. The habit of reading gained strength during this period, among … Read more

Five national fantasy authors for you to meet in this quarantine

Five national fantasy authors for you to meet in this quarantine. Disclosure.

Meet the new names acclaimed by fantasy in national literature Thinking to bring a little imagination to this scenario that we are experiencing due to the pandemic of the new CoronaVirus (Covid-19), we separated five national authors with incredible works for you to start following in this quarantine. After all, it's always good to give us another chance to experience … Read more

Telma Brites signs contract to launch new edition of the Gaia trilogy

Gaia - The Forgotten Temple (book 3), cover - featured. Disclosure.

The writer signed a contract with Grupo Editorial Coerência to launch a new edition of the first two titles and the third, and unprecedented, book of the “Gaia” trilogy Inspired by Greek mythology and Crete, the island of Zeus, Telma Brites desenvolveu uma narrativa recheada de reviravoltas e conselhos sobre adolescência em “Gaia”, a trilogy with two … Read more