Coral Brasileirinho show features scenic-musical

From child to child, the scenic-musical spectacle Coral Brasileirinho will present stories and customs of the country in shows that take place over the weekend, Saturday (23/11) e domingo (24/11), às 17h, Teatro Guairinha. With songs that revive traditions, the nature and characters of Brazil, 20 children of 8 to 13 years, … Read more

Mounting 'Audience', the Czech Václav Havel, celebrates 30 anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, which marked the beginning of the democratization process in the Czech Republic

Translated from the Czech by Luis Felipe Labaki and directed by Juliana Valente, play by Coletivo Cardume criticizes authoritarianism. Show debut SP Theater School Day 29 November Little staged in Brazil, of the poet, playwright, ativista e ex-presidente tcheco Václav Havel (1936-2011) It was one of the leaders of the Velvet Revolution, movimento pacíficoRead more

In theaters in SP Theater School, pop instagramável comedy 'It Between Us' has translated into Pounds session on 9 November

Directed by Mauro Baptista Vedia, show has a visagism of drag Paulette Pink and brings in the cast Juliana Ferreira, Luciana Severi and Felipe de Paula. Audience can take photos in this environment after the session Freely inspired by the text “De Alma Lavada”, Sergio Roveri, a comédia pop dramática “Ela Entre Nós”, com direção de Mauro BaptistaRead more

Ask 'The Tenant', Fabio Takeo, mix Anton Chekhov and research on life in judicial asylums and Brazilian psychiatric hospitals

Show with the Stanislavsky Studio is on display at the Agora Theater to 15 of december, with sessions on Saturdays and Sundays, at 5 pm In dialogue with the struggle of the Anti-asylum Movement, the show “The Tenants”, de Fábio Takeo com o Estúdio Stanislávski, conta a história de almas abandonadas e solitárias que travam uma batalha intensa para viverRead more

Book and the play tells the coming of William Faulkner to Brazil

The play "A Bourbon to Faulkner" has two performances scheduled, Thursday (24) it's Friday (25), at 8:0 pm, Theater in Londrina, Curitiba Memorial. The theatrical play tells the troubled passage of American writer William Faulkner (1897-1962) by Brazil. The event also will launch the eponymous book, escrito por Marco AntônioRead more

The show Kiss on Asphalt wins unprecedented mount debut at SESC Santo André

Considered a classic of Brazilian theater, tragedy written by Nelson Rodrigues in 1960 é encenada pelo diretor Bruno Perillo em temporada inédita no ABC e São Paulo Considerado um dos maiores legados do teatro de Nelson Rodrigues, The Kiss on the Asphalt gets new assembly with debut season at SESC Santo André between days … Read more

In the week of children Villa-Lobos unites dance and drama to the sound of Camerata Antiqua

To celebrate Children's Day, more than 50 dance artists, music and theater come together in the Teatro Positivo stage, day 12 October, for Villa-Lobos concert for Children. The show teaches about the world of classical music from the story of the boy Tuhu, the little Heitor Villa-Lobos that, no world … Read more

September came and the spring in the Education CCBB - Art and Education!

Highlights of the program include the “Place of Creation – Independence Day Special” workshop., actions aimed at the "Person Fight Week with Disabilities", that brings the show "Sensorium", the Inclusive Dance Group Body Moving. Free entrance. Dance, theater, mediated visits for groups, educational activities and the "Spring of Museums", … Read more

theater companies do special shows at Teatro Novelas Curitibanas

The third edition of Emerging Display will show, workshops and conversation circles with the theater group Theater Curitibanas Novels - Claudete Pereira Jorge presents, between days 11 of July and 11 August, the third edition of Emerging Shows, que reúne cinco jovens companhias de teatro de Curitiba interessadas em compartilharRead more

Black and Brecht Brecht Fosse Black? debut at SESC Pompeia

Play, which is directed by Eugenio Lima and dramaturgy of Dione Carlos, It is freely inspired in part Judgment of Luculus, The Bertolt Brecht; season runs from 18 April to 5 May the Unity Theater. Freely inspired by the play "The Trial of Luculus", The Bertolt Brecht, estreia no Sesc Pompeia temporada de BlackRead more
