Theatrical highlights Flamenco Art from poems of Garcia Lorca

Espetáculo teatral destaca arte flamenca a partir de poemas de Garcia Lorca O espetáculo “Palavra Flamenca” estreia nesta quinta-feira (3), in the London Theater of Curitiba Memorial, and has a series of performances until Sunday (6), completing his first season. The play will be staged in two daily sessions, at 6:30 pm and at 7:30 pm. “PalavraRead more

Fairs of the seminar, Santa Felicidade, Mossunguê and Vista Alegre will have theatrical performances

Fairs of the seminar, Santa Felicidade, Mossunguê and Vista Alegre will have theatrical performances from next Tuesday (25), the Art of comedy Company initiates a series of presentations in Santa Felicidade. In total will be 42 staging the play “Harlequin's Wits” at the Volantes do Mossunguê Free Markets, Santa Felicidade, Seminário e Vista AlegreRead more

Globe performs first edition of Little Carpenter

Globe carries out the first edition of the Carioca children's Activities Program happen in the day 16 August, Sunday, in M. Park next Sunday, 16 August, will be a day packed with free activities for kids that are walking with the family in M. Park. In the first edition of the Little Carpenter, versão infantil do Programão Carioca –Read more

Actor Vinícius Mercy presents monologue at the Teatro in Madeira Island

Actor Vinícius Mercy presents monologue in the Armory Theatre Actor/Director Paulo Vinícius Mercy presents the show "identity" this Friday (14), at 8:0 pm, in the theater of the Armory. The monologue recounts the existential crisis experienced by a publicist. O personagem sofre uma amnésia repentina justamente quando assina contrato com uma empresa de sabão emRead more

Sea of Cultures gets Marcos Caruso to debate about Theatre at the kiosk of the Globe

Sea of Cultures gets Marcos Caruso to debate about Theatre at the Globe kiosk Veríssimo Junior, Reinaldo Sant’ Ana and Carmen Mello also are the guests of this edition that happens on the day 13 August, quinta-feira O Mar de Culturas vai levar ao público um bate-papo sobre o teatro em diferentes contextos sociais nesta quinta-feira, … Read more

“Paranã” premiere this Thursday at the Teatro Curitibanas Novels

“Paranã” opens on Thursday at Teatro Novelas Curitibanas The theater show “Paranã” opens on Thursday (6), at the Teatro Curitibanas Novels, bringing to the stage the staging of unpublished works for the theatre of the authors Dalton Trevisan, Wilson Bueno and Domingos Pellegrini. Designed by Nena Inoue, the scenic area, a montagem reúne atores e diretores de diferentesRead more

Alliance Francaise Opens Exhibition at Museu Ciência e Vida by Carolina Oliveira

Alliance Francaise Opens Exhibition at Science Museum and Life by Carolina Oliveira Concern for preserving the environment is a matter of free exhibition presented by Alliance Française DESIGNED BY THE AUTHOR AND HISTORIAN FRENCH JEAN PIERRE Gueno, A EXPOSIÇÃO FAZ REFERÊNCIA ÀS REFLEXÕES DE ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY EM RELAÇÃO À DESTRUIÇÃO DO PLANETA NA CLÁSSICARead more

French Alliance honors French theater show based on the work of Jean-Louis Fournier by Carolina Oliveira

French Alliance honors French theater show based on the work of Jean-Louis Fournier

Alliance Française French honors with a show based on the work of Jean-Louis Fournier by Carolina Oliveira to PLAY “OU is a VA, PAPA?” MIND THE STORY OF FATHER OF TWO HANDICAPPED CHILDREN AND WILL BE HELD IN THE DAYS 16 And 17, NAS UNIDADES DE BOTAFOGO E TIJUCA Aliança Francesa do Rio de Janeiro realiza duas apresentações gratuitasRead more

Zac and the time machine – Check on Villa Hauer Cultural – Sunday

Zac and time machine The show directed by Sergio Rezende Del Giomo, and conducted by Cia de Artifícios Teatrais talks about Zac, a boy restless and intelligent. One day, fleeing from a bully, he enters the laboratory of Professor, who has just created his greatest invention: the time machine! Of course … Read more