Re-creation of little Red Riding Hood tale will be presented at Sesc Sorocaba

The show mixes puppet manipulation, masks and actors to play These big eyes ", company Mevitevendo, will be presented at the teatro do Sesc Sorocaba the day 20 of december, Sunday, at 4:00 pm. The attraction is a re-creation of a classic children's tale, and has free admission for children up to 12 years. The story … Read more

Play "Ubu King" will be staged at the teatro do Sesc Sorocaba

The show is part of the conclusion work for the Senac Technical Course in Dramatic Art Originally written by playwright Alfred Jarry, the piece "Ubu King", one of the major works of world dramaturgy, will be presented at the teatro do Sesc Sorocaba the day 17 of december, farm, at 8:0 pm. O espetáculo é resultado do trabalho deRead more

Latin American stage production will be presented at Sesc Sorocaba

O espetáculo celebra o centenário do autor argentino Julio Cortázar O espetáculo “Imago – Uma lua n’água”, Matula Theatre Group, will be staged at the teatro do Sesc Sorocaba the day 10 of december, farm, at 8:0 pm. The piece is a Latin-American production and celebrates the 100 years of birth of Argentine author Julio Cortazar. … Read more

Othello «Brasilian» story in play at Sesc Sorocaba

Espetáculo retrata assuntos como a desumanidade e o racismo Otelo, Shakespeare character, have your story portrayed in «Brasilian» in the play "Othello and the blonde of Venice or the pancadão of betrayal", da Cia Lona de retalhos, that will be staged in the Amphitheatre of the Sesc Sorocaba the day 11 November, on wednesday, at 8:0 pm. … Read more

Cultural shows current piece inspired by the work of Dalton Trevisan

Within the current Cultural programming, Theatre has Novels Curitibanas Cia part. Masks "The Kiss in Nape" on Friday, not saturday and sunday (days 6, 7 and 8) to 20 hours. Directed by João Luiz Fiani, the show explores the strong side of some of the most memorable characters of Dalton Trevisan, … Read more

Museum of life promotes activities for the children's day

Attractions are free and include exhibitions, theater, workshops, Science show, In addition to a fun ride on the famous Train of the Science Museum of life — the Fiocruz that integrates science, culture and society — will promote a series of activities in honor of Children's Day. The programation, free and open to the public, will happen … Read more

Helen Kolody childhood is children's play theme dolls

The Pia's theater presents this Sunday (11) the children's puppet play "at the head of the poet", designed from references on the childhood of the poet Helen Kolody. For mounting, the Substrato Scenic group researched Helena Kolody's origins and poems that reveal her intense relationship with nature. The … Read more

Overthinkers company presents two shows at the TUC

The Overthinkers Theatre Company presents two of its productions in afternoon sessions, This week, the TUC-Theatre of Curitiba. On Tuesday (29), at 3:30 pm, the group staged the play "Overthinking", and in the fourth, at 3:0 pm, the show "Autoacusação". The presentations are part of the Cultural week of education, promoted from 2013 como parte doRead more

Play “A Traveler Boneka Kartas” Premiere at the Antonio Carlos Kraide

The date of a disillusioned writer with a crying child loss of your doll is the plot of the play “A Traveler Boneka Kartas” entering poster, next Saturday (26), in the Auditorium Antonio Carlos Kraide, Cultural gate. Viabilizado pelo Edital para Teatro e Juventude do Fundo Municipal da Cultura, o novo espetáculo da Cia. … Read more

"The Red Soldier Agonizes" meets season at the TUC

Peça “O Soldado Vermelho Agoniza” cumpre temporada no TUC A peça teatral “O Soldado Vermelho Agoniza” estreou no Festival de Teatro de Curitiba e agora será encenada de 10 to 12 and of 17 to 19 September, at 19h, the TUC-Theatre of Curitiba. Directed by Rodrigo Bayarsaikhan, a peça éRead more