fans against Star Wars tomorrow, no CCJF #StarWarsNoCCJF

The CCJF AND THE COUNCIL JEDI RIO DE JANEIRO PRESENT: “THE JUSTICE IS WITH YOU” Tomorrow we will have the premiere event “That justice be with you“, organized by CCJF and the Jedi Council Rio de Janeiro, and supported by Zion School and the SISEJUFE. O evento consiste em um grande encontro de fãs daRead more

“That justice be with you”, fan meeting in CCJF #StarWarsNoCCJF

In the days 09 and 10 November, the CCJF hold the event “That justice be with you”, feito em parceria com Conselho Jedi Rio de Janeiro e apoiado pela Escola Zion. ? Este encontro de fãs girará em torno do universo de Star Wars, tendo como fio condutor as relações com o Direito. Promoverá discussõesRead more

Jedicon brings together Star Wars fans in the Cultural Gate

The Cultural Gate meet this Saturday (12) fans of the Star Wars saga to a day of exhibitions, lectures, contests, games and other activities related to the Star Wars movie. Organized by the Jedi Council Paraná fan club and Nerdnation site with the support of the Municipality of Curitiba and Cultural Foundation, the Jedicon the 10:00 the 8:00 pm happens with free entry. Between … Read more