O Fascinating Artístico De Soraya Balera Por Juliana Vannucchi

Soraya work Balera. Photo: Disclosure

To artist Soraya Tlera, born in Itapetininga, firmou-se nos últimos anos como um destaque do universo artístico independente de Sorocaba e região. Seu vasto currículo acumula uma série de participações em diversas e exposições locais (such as, for example, em eventos realizados na Prefeitura e no Shopping Cianê), além de várias homenagens recebidas ao longo dosRead more

“Ellus” series, Created by Angélica Lima, Is A Singular Force Of Creative Expression, By Juliana Vannucchi

Angelica Lima, art - featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Born in Itapevi and currently residing in Sorocaba, Angélica Lima is a prominent artist in the region where she lives, and whose notable artistic productions have even broken the geographical limits of our country, gaining recognition abroad. Always inspired by a red-hot creative flame that shines within you, Lima believes in … Read more

Alchemy of Color Exhibition – Maria Vieira, by Rosângela Vig

Alchemy of Color Exhibition - Maria Vieira. Art: Disclosure.

The night turns pale. Dawn…You can hear the laughter of the fountain more…About the changing city, the horizon. It's a strange orchid blooming. There are swallows ready to say the dawn mass, as soon as the sun rises. Roosters' cries sound from mountain to hill In an intense joy of living.(SPANKS, 2003, p.76) The nuances that the sky acquires when the morning dawns on the sky are indescribable. … Read more

Group virtual exhibition “Frida Kahlo”, a woman ahead of her time, by Rosângela Vig

Group virtual exhibition “Frida Kahlo”, a woman ahead of her time, featured. Disclosure.

They will ask about your soul. The soul that is tenderness,Kindness,Sadness,Love. But you will show the curve of your free flight, between the worlds.(MEIRELES, 1982, 17TH Song) It is a deep sigh that dispels fog and allows us to see the most beautiful works with the eyes of the spirit.. It's as if the sharpness came gradually, taking the image to … Read more

The Hybrid will provide an immersive experience in virtual reality

Or Hybrid, featured. Photo: Thiago Roma.

The project can be seen in person, at Café da Vila The interactive and immersive work “Or Hybrid”, by Robson Catalunya, returns to the Sorocaba public with a new experience. After a season of virtual presentations through content in webseries format, with eight episodes recorded on 360º cameras, now the project can be … Read more


DIAS DE RECLUSÃO PROJECT - Collection of Arts and Anthology of the “Dias de Reclusão” Project, Flyer, featured. Disclosure.

Children producing Collective Culture of Arts and Anthology of the “Days of Solitude” Project When I met a person who seemed a little lucid to me, I did with her the experience of my number drawing 1, that I've always kept with me. I was wondering if she was truly understanding. But I always answered "It's a hat". So I don't … Read more

PROJECT DAYS OF RECLUSION – Collection of Arts and Anthology of the “Days of Solitude” Project by Rosângela Vig

DIAS DE RECLUSÃO PROJECT - Collection of Arts and Anthology of the “Dias de Reclusão” Project, Flyer. Disclosure.

Time is unspeakable. Say,What is the direction of the calendar?The leaves fall and the tree remains,Against the uncertain and various wind. Life is indivisible. Even The one that is considered the most scattered And belongs to an eternal dialogue The most inconsequential conversation. All poems are the same poem,All drunks are the same drunk,Not all at once … Read more

“Meet the comic Alejandro Gomez:”, by Juliana Vannucchi

"In fact, I'm more a militant agnostic. Perhaps art is my faith ". – A. Gomez. Of course, worldwide, there are many skilled designers. However, perhaps there is a greater number of players than creators. And it is precisely this aspect that makes the American comic artist Alejandro Gomez is so special: … Read more

"SORAYA balera" by Juliana Vannucchi

Soraya work Balera. Photo: Disclosure.

Today, with much satisfaction, I present to readers of our site, the artist Soraya Balera, resident of Sorocaba (SP), that in their productions, works with oil paintings, also acrylic and mixed techniques using. Balera has participated in exhibitions at the "Fair of Plastic Arts", in which their works exhibited in the square Carlos Alberto de Souza … Read more

Artist sorocabana ‘ collection exposed by the world and House’ in Portugal

Roberta Urquiza works to the city of Porto, This April, where will be exposed at the port Art Gallery, until may. Pieces from the collection ' Houses in the world – ’ communities, the artist sorocabana Roberta Urquiza crossed several countries already and now they get to Portugal, in another artist's exhibition. This April, Roberta participates in … Read more