FREE program of courses in the areas of art and culture, promoted by Associação Artística Mapati

MAPATI Cultural Space. Photo: Mapati Artistic Association.

  A AAMA – Associação Artística Mapati abre inscrições para nova edição de programa de oficinas formativas gratuitas em parceria com o Festival Bocadim Profissão Arte Série cursos rápidos abre caminhos para inserção do público jovem nas áreas profissionais do setor cultural A pouca oferta de cursos de qualificação de profissionais para atuarem em áreasRead more

‘WHO'S LEAVE IS SOMEONE'S LOVE’ – 4ª Performance

‘WHO'S PARTY IS SOMEONE'S LOVE’ - 4th Performance, featured. Disclosure.

4ª Performance / Silent Vigil of cultural workers will pay tribute to indigenous peoples Act will take place at the National Theater, from 5:30 pm From the 1st of June, every Monday of the month has been characterized by outdoor performances, in some of the most beautiful spaces in the Brazilian capital. Under the creation of the … Read more

[Covid-19] – APTR REPORT on PL 1075 for Actions for the Culture Industry

Sala São Paulo. Photo: Stefan Schmeling.

PL REPORT 1075 will implement emergency actions for the Cultural Sector, during the state of public calamity Postponed to next Tuesday, 26 de Mayo, the vote on the Cultural Emergency PL, as the first agenda of the day. This agreement was tailored by the project rapporteur, Federal Deputy Jandira Feghali, o Presidente da Câmara RodrigoRead more