Sesc Vila Mariana hosts the show IJÓ

Sesc Vila Mariana hosts the show IJÓ. Photo: Disclosure.

The performance mixes dance with music and happens 22 to 24 April, directed by dancer and choreographer Rubens Oliveira São Paulo, April 2022 -Of 22 to 24 April, Sesc Vila Mariana receives “IJÓ – One Body", production of choreographer and dancer Rubens Oliveira. The show is the result of a process … Read more

The history of music Automatic gain unprecedented exhibition at SESC Vila Mariana

Curated by composer and music producer Leo Leibovich exposure TOUCH OF THE CLICK - THE HISTORY OF AUTOMATIC MUSIC will provide a real journey through time, apresentando desde as primeiras caixas de música até os players atuais A música automática evoluiu do toque ao clique passando por diversos tipos de máquinas e mídias, morphing technology, recriandoRead more