Book of poems brings reflection on human conflicts

Livro "Oferta" Alexandra Vieira de Almeida, cover - frente and towards. Disclosure.

Reflexive, imaginary and liberating. These are the feelings that writer Alexandra Vieira de Almeida wants to instigate in readers with the book of poems.. Released in second edition, by Editora Penalux, the work brings together themes that can be considered conflicting, such as, for example, love, the eroticism, a poesia reflexiva e filosófica e a prosaRead more

Environmentalist debuts documentary about garbage on Everest and warns about the future of the Planet

Caio Queiroz. Photo: Disclosure.ável.mp4 (Documentary teaser “Everest Sustainable”). Amid the pandemic, documentary that warns about the importance of environmental awareness is released on Canal Off / Globosat; the premiere takes place on World Environment Day and the documentary “Everest Sustentável” brings a reflection on the consequences of the human being's actions on the Planet São Paulo, June … Read more