II Artistic Seminar of the Triângulo das Artes

II Artistic Seminar of the Triângulo das Artes, featured. Disclosure.

The event is a collective initiative of Contemporâneos Galeria de Arte, Art 4 Alphonsus Art Gallery and House & Galeria The event is a collective initiative of Contemporâneos Galeria de Arte, Art 4 Alphonsus Art Gallery and House & Gallery and aims to ease the impacts of the pandemic on the artistic class and in this edition, will have … Read more

Registration open for the VIII Day of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations of the Museum of Art in Rio

Art Museum of Rio. Photo: Thales Milk.

teachers, educators and researchers will have until the day 26 October to submit their projects to the seminar, that this year will be held online The Museum of Art of Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, opened registrations for the VIII Day of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations. teachers, educators and researchers can send … Read more

CCJF welcomes submission of papers for Seminar II Women, Power and Democracy – Intersections between rights and Po(ethical)

Registration for submission of papers of the Seminar II Women, Power and Democracy – Intersections between rights and Po(ethical) the Federal Justice Cultural Center (CCJF) They are now open. The event takes place between 27 and 29 March and interested parties can send their productions until the day 20/03. Serão aceitos trabalhos na modalidade comunicação oralRead more

Traces magazine holds seminar on the autonomy of the person on the street

Event takes place on 20 and 21 November, in the auditorium of Fiocruz Brasilia Magazine Traces, in partnership with the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), the University of Brasilia (UNB) and the Ministry of Social Development (MDS), promove o seminário Autonomia e Transformação Social da Pessoa em Situação de Rua, visando aprofundar o debate acercaRead more

SEA conducts Sustainability Seminar, Art and education

From 2 to 6 th December 2015 – School Look Free registration on site: www.museudeartedorio.org.br the Museum of art of River-SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, performs, Look through the school and in partnership with DOW, o Seminário Sustentabilidade, Education and Art. The program involves workshops, conferences … Read more

Literature Seminar at the foot of the ear marks the launch of the Cultural Agenda Mandela Lives

The Literature Seminar at the foot of the ear – the paths and access to literature, What happens on the day 29 September, Tuesday, marca a abertura oficial da Agenda Cultural Mandela Vive. Free and open to the public, o projeto discutirá assuntos relacionados à acessibilidade de pessoas com deficiências auditivas e visuais à literatura, com mesas deRead more