Milton Dacosta wins retrospective at the Gallery Almeida and Dale

exhibition brings together 54 Artist jobs Rio, the various stages of its travel, from 1930 the decade of 1980 reflexive, disciplined and silent, while full of dense emotions. So is the work of Milton Dacosta (1915 – 1988), pintor fluminense que conseguiu conciliar as tradições a um potente e fértil processoRead more

BUT promotes free course: Laboratory construction towards art and literature

The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “Laboratory construction towards art and literature: To interpret as an expert” with Professor. Dr. Jose Luis Landeira. General objective – Develop strategies interpretation of art and literature, dialogue between the aesthetic dimensions, social, discursive, semiotics, filosófica e históricaRead more

Free gym: "From Matter to Affection: the construction of the meaning of jewelry”

The next day 01 August, the Museu de Arte Sacra promotes a free lecture on the topic “From Matter to Affection: the construction of the meaning of jewelry“, with the Prof. Dr. Ana Steps. What is the significance of jewelry in Brazil today and how it was built? How does our relationship work? … Read more

55SP occupies not Poster 011

55SP is occupying artists with works in the intersection with fashion, Sao Paulo design and music, July 2018 – Starting tomorrow, Saturday, the 55SP will occupy the store Cartel 011 for a pop-up project. The multidisciplinary space Cartel 011, open from 2009, permeates in his art world, design, architecture, sets, … Read more

Exhibition “three Oceans” features sculptures of recent production Caciporé Torres

Despite his age, sculptor Caciporé Torres continues to produce with the rhythm and enthusiasm of a young artist. In 16 August it opens new solo exhibition in São Paulo, This presents three dozen works, most of them produced in the last two years. The show, that for ten days will be in … Read more

Red Bull Station debut exhibition lyricist and women's collective in July

The shows “Mapping Chart Popular”, Fernando Grimaldi, and “Relating nearby”, Collective Magenta, They are on display in the center of São Paulo SP to August, July 2018 – In July, o Red Bull Station recebe duas exposições de artistas contemporâneos que se enveredam por temas, techniques and distinct aesthetic. On the gallery … Read more

Exhibition "When color creates forms" by Edmundo Cavalcanti

ABRASCI – Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Arts, History and Literature in partnership with ALESP – Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo and State Representative Colonel Telhada, They are promoting the exhibition "When color creates forms" with paintings and sculptures by artists from the state capital and the state. The exhibition is … Read more

Medellin records: Dig Ferreira in an unprecedented exhibition at Lookout 9 July

After a residency of one month in Medellin (Colombia), Dig Ferreira reaches the Lookout 9 July and resumes #DesenhoRegistro exploring new languages ​​with exposure Medellin Records São Paulo, July 2018 – Dig Ferreira returns to São Paulo and opens on 12 this month with unprecedented exhibition Medellin Records in Lookout 9 July. … Read more

In São Paulo, Camerata Antiqua de Curitiba displays “Motetos Bach”

With the regent Luis Otavio Santos and accompanied by soloists, the Camerata Antiqua de Curitiba run “Motetos Bach ", in the Campos do Jordao Festival performances. At Sala São Paulo, most renowned space Brazil, The concert takes place on Thursday (12/7) and on Friday (13/7), the Claudio Santoro Auditorium, in Campos do Jordao. Essa turnêRead more

The exhibition Des Color! by Rosângela Vig

Say: The wind blew my mind about life. And all that was ephemeral If undid. And you only you, you are eternal… (MEIRELES, 1995, p.6) Only one poet's soul to leave so sweet message. And the wind that blew in poetry, also blew the spirit of Art, rapt the soul of the … Read more