Winter Music Festival of the Magic Mountain’ has this week four great presentations

Barros Eudoxia, the great lady of the brazilian piano. Photo: Regina of Jesus.

The festival “Winter Music from the Magic Mountain”, creation of the Hotel Toriba, in Campos do Jordao, there are four very presentations this week, very special Remember that all the Toriba Musical events in July are part of the official program of the 51st Campos do Jordão Summer and Winter Festival. On Wednesday, 7 … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 16º Auction MNM Numismatics

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 16º Auction MNM Numismatics, featured. Disclosure.

16TH AUCTION MNM NUMISMATICS Day 6 July at 7:00 pm AUCTIONEER Flávia Cardoso Soares – JUCESP Nº 948   [button color =”orange” size =”medium” link =”″ target =”blank” ]CHECK OUT![/button] [divider] See below some highlighted lots [divider] Qualidade e Excelência são valores essenciais para a MNM Numismática! Since 2002, que nos dedicamos aos mais altos padrões de atendimento eRead more

Coherence Editorial Group search for new authors

Editorial Group Coherence, soon. Disclosure.

The publisher has more than 400 published titles, such as, several best sellers Founded in times of economic crisis, the Coherence Editorial Group appeared in the first half of 2016. Since then, despite the obstacles of the market, the editorial conglomerate has been talking about. With more than 400 published titles and hundreds of authors, the publisher reveals her … Read more

Painting Workshop at the exhibition “Brazilian Fauna and Flora”

Painting Workshop at the exhibition "Brazilian Fauna and Flora", featured. Disclosure.

Márcio Carneiro, Taubate artist and teacher, minister this saturday, 3 July, from 16 to 20 hours, oil on canvas painting workshop, having as a model the Galo-de-campina. The workshop takes place at Via Vale Garden Shopping, in Taubaté, in the exhibition space “Brazilian Fauna and Flora”. The show's highlight is the … Read more

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 16º Beto Assef Philately Auction

Flávia Cardoso Soares Auctions: 16º Beto Assef Philately Auction, featured. Disclosure.

16TH AUCTION BETO ASSEF DE FILATELIA Dias 29 and 30 June with sessions at 15:00 and 20:30 AUCTIONE Flávia Cardoso Soares – JUCESP Nº 948   [button color =”orange” size =”medium” link =”″ target =”blank” ]CHECK OUT![/button] [divider] See below some highlighted lots [divider] Follow our social networks: Instagram: @FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes Facebook: Facebook / FlaviaCardosoSoaresLeiloes [divider] How to buy us … Read more

Donizeti Leite launches second book by Grupo Editorial Coerência

Book “A Delirium Called Passion” by Donizeti Leite, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Author takes a little of himself to “A Delirium Called Passion” The artisan Donizeti Leite launched “A Delirium Called Passion”, your second book, in June by the Coherence Editorial Group. The work is a poetic novel that brings some of the dramas, Author's joys and passions through an introspective journey through the life of a poet. The … Read more

Friends Create Podcast That Chats With Artists About Life Path, influences and references

ConsumArte. Disclosure.

ConsumArte The project is only six months old, but it already has big names in the art. It is very common to hear that during this period of the pandemic people created new projects, acquired hobbies or resumed old contacts. Henrique Corregedor and Léo Prado from São Paulo followed the same path. Friends for more than 25 … Read more

Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo | Hope

MAS / SP, Exhibition "Hope", Andrei Rossi, bird body, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

“twelve artists: the main concerns of our times and the fantastic feeling of being alive” Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo – MAS/SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, displays "Hope", mostra coletiva sob curadoria de Simon Watson, composta por trabalhos dos artistas contemporâneos Ana Júlia Vilela, Andrey Rossi, Scruffy, Enivo, John … Read more

São Paulo Naïve Art Salon

São Paulo Naïve Art Salon, Stevenson Moschini. Photo: Disclosure.

First edition in honor of José Antonio da Silva Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo – MAS/SP, institution of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo exhibits the first edition of the Salão Paulista de Arte Naïf, performed by Totem, Barthô Naïf and Cia Arte Cultura, with approximately 190 works of … Read more

Why Moms Wear Ponytails? Discover the book by Ana Boulos

Why Moms Wear Ponytails?, by Ana Boulos, cover - featured. Disclosure.

The book published by Grupo Editorial Coerência has conquered Brazilian mothers with its chronicles on maternity The debut book of the author Ana Boulos, "Why do mothers wear a ponytail?”, published by Grupo Editorial Coerência, has been drawing public attention. With the proposal to bring reflection on the intense work that is to be mothers of … Read more