Home Made Culture, by Rosângela Vig

Home Made Culture. Disclosure.

Notice of Public Notice via Public Notices and Related: The Cultura Feita em Casa announcement will select digital artistic and cultural copyright content already finalized for exhibition through the Paraná Government's streaming and social media platforms. The work must be audiovisual or audio material in the Performing Arts areas; Visual Arts; Audiovisual; … Read more

51st edition of the Periphery Culture Promotion Program, by Rosângela Vig

Notice of the 5th edition of Fomento à Periferia, art. Disclosure.

Notice of Public Notice via Public Notices and Related: The Notice for the 5th edition of Fomento à Periferia is intended for cultural artistic collectives that have been operating for at least three years on the outskirts of the city of São Paulo or in pockets of high social vulnerability index. To subscribe, the collective must be represented by a … Read more

National Exhibition of Paper Mill Arts Brazil 35 years by Rosângela Vig

National Exhibition of Arts on paper Moinho Brasil 35 years, invitation. Disclosure.

There are millions of affectionate stars in space, Within reach of your eyes… but conjectures Those you don't see, igneous and unknown roses, Visiting at the furthest height. (BILAC, 1997, p.84) Art is made a tireless star, who spends an entire night shining bright. The daring look goes through the night, hurried on … Read more

Painting on Canvas, Step by step 18 – Color and shape perception by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 9 – Jaboticabas on the trunk, 2019, Rosângela Vig.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: Little Nose didn't like to wait; She was annoyed to have to wait for Pete for a whole week. But fortunately it was jaboticaba time. There were several jaboticaba trees in Mrs. Benta's small farm, but one was enough to make them all sick to nausea. … Read more

Retrospective 2019 Rosângela Vig

  Materials and Art History in 2019 by Rosângela Vig, Let's review!   Early Traces of Modern Art - Impressionism in Brazil by Rosângela Vig Arte Moderna - Surrealism by Rosângela Vig Aesthetics of a friendship - Alfredo Volpi (1896-1988) and Bruno Giorgi (1905-1993), by Rosângela Vig Exhibition “The Amazon is Ours!" - Subway … Read more

First Traces of Modern Art – Impressionism in Brazil by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 3 – Boy on the Slope, Eliseu Visconti, oil on canvas, 51 x 73 cm, 1889. Private Collection.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: Motherland, I throb in you, in your wood, wherever I go! And your perfume and shade and sun and dew! And, in sap, to her cry my voice answers, And I climb from your heart to the sky, from branch to branch! From the final … Read more

Aesthetics of a friendship - Alfredo Volpi (1896-1988) and Bruno Giorgi (1905-1993), by Rosângela Vig

Cultural Pinakotheke brings together over 130 works, for the most part unpublished, that tell the friendship 52 years the two artists, the most long-lived of Brazilian art Cultural Pinakotheke, Rio de Janeiro public Visitation: 14 from June to 27 th July 2019 Curated By: Max Perlingeiro and Pedro Mastrobuono Director: Pinakotheke Cultural Institutional support: Instituto Volpi … Read more

Modern Art – Surrealism by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 12 – Salvador Dali, Daddy Longlegs of the Evening Hope!, 1940, oil on canvas, 40,64 cm x 50,8 cm, The Dalí Museum, Present of A. Reynolds & Eleanor Morse. Copyright: Worldwide rights ©Salvador Dalí. Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí (Artists Rights Society), 2017 / In the USA ©Salvador Dalí Museum, Inc. St. Petersburg, FL 2017.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: When I look at the starry sky, I find it small. Maybe it was me who grew up, or it was the universe that shrank. Unless both heppened at the same time; (DALI, 2008, p.18) True Art opens its doors when it detaches itself from logic … Read more

Exhibition "The Amazon is Our!"- São Paulo Metro by Rosangela Vig

The ephemeral. Now, a bird sang in the valley for a moment, once, but The valley still listening wrapped in peace to the voice of the bird does not shut. (MATHEW, 2006, p.21) That our vast forest remain in peace; your birds quietly cross its horizon; and, above all that our voice is silent just to … Read more

Metro Display - Line Culture, Paul Lionetti, by Rosângela Vig

I remember beautiful sensations, lights and natural thanks, sweet emotions, gentle joys, fiery, intense, I am looking for not intimate, colors and hues that woke me up to the fascination of creation and the secret of life. (DAROS, p.24, 2015) The flustered city is lost in the shuffle of hurried footsteps, the in and out of public transport, on the run … Read more
