CAWCINE Festival with Registration for Free Photography Initiation Workshop

Festival CAWCINE. Disclosure.

CAWCINE is a National Film Festival organized by CAW productions, which aims to encourage and encourage audiovisual works from all over Brazil that have themes of environmental preservation and conservation, but all themes can participate, in addition to strengthening productions made with the cell phone, enriching the national and Portuguese-speaking cinematographic creation. The Festival … Read more

Getulio Damado, artist symbol of Saint Teresa, will make its first live this Monday

Atelier Getúlio Damado, Santa Teresa Tram. Photo: Courtesy Key Master.

Almost three months have passed since Rio de Janeiro is facing the coronavirus and the impact on tourism in Santa Teresa is enormous. In order to highlight the participation of artists in the traditional Arte de Portas Abertas event, the master key, Neighborhood Visual Artists Association, performs a cycle of lives. In this … Read more

CAW Productions – Day 07 de Junho starts motivating texts to improve the soul

Reading Good. Disclosure.

In order to encourage reading, poetry and poetic texts, CAW summoned writers and poets from São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador to showcase their work on social media, encouraging positive readings, motivational texts and inspirational poetry, thus rescuing feelings lost with isolation, is caused by your personal losses, … Read more

In the month of valentine, o Italian Cultural Institute realizes as séries "Everyone in the Kitchen"

Instituto Italiano de Cultura realizes as séries "Everyone in the Kitchen". Disclosure.

In the month of valentine, the Italian Institute of Culture runs the “Tutti in Cucina” series of virtual gastronomic videos on Mondays and Fridays led by Chefs of Italian cuisine Michele Petenzi, Benedetta Giustozzi and Rossella Speranza Aos sábados, no "Nicola's Aperitif", the Italian bartender residing in Brazil, Nicola Bara will teach drinks and cocktails, delicious, … Read more

Friday, 5 of June opens the Italian-Brazilian Dialogue Cycle with the “Colloquium on Raffaello”. Free on Zoom!

Italian-Brazilian Dialogue Cycle, "Colóquio sobre Raffaello”, Flyer. Disclosure.

To celebrate the 500th anniversary of the death of the painter Raffaello Sanzio, the Italian Institute of Culture in collaboration with the National Museum of Fine Arts in Rio holds the Cycle of Italian-Brazilian Dialogues and presents the “Colloquium on Raffaello” The debut of the Italian-Brazilian Dialogue Cycle is Friday, day 5 of June, to 11 hours, … Read more

SAVE THE DATE: LoveCine Drive-In starts its schedule this Thursday

‘LoveCine Drive-in’, in the parking lot of Jeunesse Arena, in Barra da Tijuca. Photo: Disclosure.

From 04 from June to 05 July, the Jeunesse Arena parking lot, in Barra da Tijuca, hosts the event with classic film programming, child attraction, shows, DJs and even delivery from the Outback restaurant Valentine's month got a bossa, amid the pandemic. In the parking lot of Jeunesse Arena, o LoveCine Drive-In promete … Read more

World Environment Day will have a chat with Sebastião Salgado and Rosiska Darcy and live with Lenine

Museum of tomorrow. Photo: Bernard Lessa.

World Environment Day is biodiversity theme. Activities take place virtually due to COVID-19 On the 4, to 16 hours, the Nature Hour live: Reflections on Tomorrow will have a chat by Rosiska Darcy and Sebastião Salgado with Fábio Scarano On the day 5, to 17 hours, Musical Chat with Lenine will mark World Day … Read more

The Italian Institute of Culture promotes a cycle of exclusive meetings with academic professors from Italy and Brazil

Michelangelo, The creation of Adam. Disclosure.

The first meeting will be conducted by professors of Italian Language and Literature at Universidade Federal Fluminense-UFF, Guido Alberto Bonomini and Paolo Torresan, about the three great artists of the Italian Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raffaello Sanzio. Friday, day 29 de Mayo, to 18:00, no Zoom. The Italian Institute of Culture holds this Friday, 29 … Read more

Aliança Francesa promotes a chat with Olivier Mauco, president of the Parisian Game in Society studio

Interview with Olivier Mauco, video game developer, president of the Parisian Game in Society studio. Photo: Disclosure.

French Alliance of Rio de Janeiro offers exclusive French-speaking programming for the public to enjoy at home. Special highlight for the series of interviews with artists and personalities on cultural and social topics. Olivier Mauco, video game developer, presidente do estúdio parisiense Game in Society é o segundo entrevistado da série e compartilhará com o públicoRead more

Held monthly by Instituto Estação das Letras, Remember Childhood wins virtual edition for debate about Dalí and Murilo Mendes

Remember Childhoods, May / 2020. Disclosure.

Meeting will be in 28/05, Thursday, from 18h to 20h, by Zoom Surrealist painter Salvador Dalí and miner Murilo Mendes, one of the great poets of the 20th century, will be the theme of Remember Childhood, promoted monthly by Instituto Estação das Letras. The writers Suzana Vargas and Ninfa Parreiras will mediate this edition of the meeting, live, day … Read more