Art in Dialogue Project, in Quarantine, with Cláudio Valério

Cláudio Valério. Photo: Disclosure.

Artist, Restorer, art teacher and critic, Claudio Valério (RJ, 1949) extensive and encouraging trajectory, coordinated the renovation works of the giant screens “Batalha do Avaí” and “Batalha dos Guararapes”, both from the collection of the National Museum of Fine Arts, in the years 1980. At the invitation of architect Oscar Niemeyer, created in 2003 a Panel … Read more

Registration open for the VIII Day of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations of the Museum of Art in Rio

Art Museum of Rio. Photo: Thales Milk.

teachers, educators and researchers will have until the day 26 October to submit their projects to the seminar, that this year will be held online The Museum of Art of Rio – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, opened registrations for the VIII Day of Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations. teachers, educators and researchers can send … Read more

Free Event Production Course for Youth from Baixada

Free Event Production Course for Youth from Baixada. Photo: Disclosure.

Innovate, qualify, strengthening professionals is what we want. The pandemic has left countless culture makers without income and with no option to generate income, since events were the first and last to be allowed to return, thus leaving their producers emotionally and financially destroyed. Queremos fortalecer uma retomada segura e capaz de sobreviver emRead more

Rio Art Museum celebrates Children's Day with free online activities

MAR will celebrate Children's Day with workshops and virtual lives aimed at little ones and their families. Photo: Daniela Paoliello.

MAR has prepared a special program with lives and workshops for children and their families To celebrate Children's Day, the Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the management of the Institute Odeon, prepared a virtual schedule for the whole family on the days 13, 15 and 17 October. Among the activities, place the … Read more

French Alliance Rio de Janeiro offers 17 dynamic courses and workshops with discounted prices

French Alliance Rio de Janeiro offers 17 dynamic courses and workshops with discounted prices, featured. Disclosure.

In October the French Alliance Rio de Janeiro, offers 17 dynamic courses and workshops with discounted prices, for those who want to learn to speak French and finish a module in three months. Are 6 months in 3 and 100% in digital rooms! Offers vary between courses for beginners, DELF A2 exam preparation courses, … Read more

With programming 100% virtual, Rolé Carioca heads towards the neighborhoods of the Leopoldina region in October

Visit Albert Einsten at Fiocruz in 1925. Photo: COC Fiocruz / Disclosure.

In October, the route “Towards the suburb of Leopoldina” addresses the expansion of the city to the North and West zones from the decade of 40, showing characters, historical events and curiosities, beyond the relationship between people and urban space over the years. With programming 100% virtual, Rolé Carioca 2020 brings … Read more

Open Air Cinema in Barra da Tijuca will open with 30 Imovision films on schedule


With a different proposal from the other drive-in, Cinema Open Air focuses its curatorship on award-winning art films, of renowned directors and several countries (EVENT HAPPENS AT THE DOWNTOWN SHOPPING 1.10 The 1.11.2020) Details of schedule and ticket purchase: Imovision Films distributor, in partnership with Cinema Open Air, decided to bet, together, and carry out an unprecedented action … Read more

Architect and urban planner Joice Berth is featured in the program of the Women in the Arts Seminar Cycle, promoted by MAR

Art Museum of Rio. Photo: Thales Milk.

In dialogue with the exhibition “Casa Carioca”, the second module of the event will address the relationship between city, body and gender In the days 02 and 16 October, Rio Art Museum – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, holds the second module of the Women in the Arts Seminar Cycle. In 2020, … Read more

Animation and Transmedia: producer Cao Quintas points out two promising directions for Brazilian audiovisual

Cao Quintas. Photo: Disclosure.

Cao Quintas produced Turma da Mônica (Ties) and Adoniram, My name is João Rubinato Rio de Janeiro - September 2020 – The current moment of turbulence and uncertainties that the Brazilian audiovisual market is going through is putting pressure on artists and producers to assess the conjuncture and to bet on trends that ensure the recovery of the sector. Animation projects and production … Read more

Evidence Beauty & Spa will present the evidence setting of the contemporary art gallery

Photography by Ricardo Bhering.

Five lenses and many visions in an unmissable photo show, in full preparation for the new normal, when all art and beauty are welcome and can change the course of our day, entertaining us with creativity and good taste. “Ambiance Evidence” brings together photographers Denise Greco, Eduardo Tropia, Herbert Zampier, Luciana Alves and Ricardo Bhering … Read more