Check out the launch of the new virtual fundraising platform

Ruy Godinho. Photo: Renata Samarco.

To keep the thriving creative sector of culture alive, which employs thousands and delights millions of Brazilians, a legal and easy-to-access tool appears Virtual fundraising platform through which citizens can allocate part of the tax due to the “lion” to finance cultural projects of all sizes … Read more

Globe presents Quintet Violated at São Cristóvão

Show of the day 17 July, Friday, is part of the celebrations of St. John of the fair. Grupo pernambucano canta clássicos de Dominguinhos e Luiz Gonzaga com participação da cantora Lucy Alves Os festejos juninos se estendem ao mês de julho e a Globo leva o Quinteto Violado para uma apresentação arretada no dia 17, Friday, … Read more