A dive into the work of comic artist Paul Talbot, by Juliana Vannucchi

Illustration by Paul Talbot. Photo: Disclosure.

Piedade is a small city located in the interior of São Paulo. A cold place, discreet and calm, which carries a captivating country charm. It's a kind of Silent Hill in the interior of São Paulo. Yes, anyway, the Brazilian scene that houses the artist Paul Talbot, renowned comic artist, screenwriter and illustrator who in his hometown, produces your … Read more

Gibiteca promotes online version release of HQ Curitiba Malu Everyday Altered

The Gibiteca Curitiba receives, This Friday (11/06), the launch of the webcomic Malu Everyday Altered, José Aguiar. A HQ, which has existed since 2000, has its first online version. The launch event promotes a chat with the author, at 19h, on site. Malu is the comic character with greater regularity in Curitiba, … Read more

Curitibanos designers nominated for "Oscar of comics"

Troféu HQ Mix 2017, Captain Crow. Disclosure.

Designers and curitibanas are among the publications indicated the HQ Mix Trophy 2017, National Award, considered the "Oscars of comics". The relationship was disclosed yesterday (Monday) and Curitiba received nominations in several categories. All candidates have connection with the gastronomic events, as students, teachers or regulars of space. All editorial projects were also launched in … Read more

Felipe Folgosi launches "Communion", your new Graphic Novel

"Communion", HQ with Felipe Folgosi roadmap. Disclosure.

ArtWork, with story of suspense and psychological horror, has release the day 25 July at Livraria Cultura of the National Assembly, in São Paulo at the end of July, arrives at bookstores and newsstands "Communion", HQ with Felipe Folgosi roadmap. Mixing suspense and psychological thiller, the story takes place in Brazil, during a race of … Read more

Cultural gate receives the attractions of Curitiba comics Biennale

For four days, from 8 to 11 September (Thursday to Sunday), the MuMA, Cultural gate, will host the biennial Curitiba comics. During this period, the space will be home to more than 100 national and international artists, with his sharp eye on the world, have much to contribute to the democratization of … Read more

Authors curitibanos create comics dedicated to "man's best friend"

Will be released next Friday (12), at 19h, in Curitiba Gibiteca, the comic album "If my dog could talk it would be Poetry". After the success of comic albums "Bloody Mouths" and "City of the living dead Smile", the Studio of illustration and animation curitibano Dogzilla Studio presents this new work, this time away from the themes … Read more

Chat brings together personalities portrayed on the show "Profile"

A chat this Tuesday (17), a partir the 18h, In House Romário Martins, brings together some of the personalities portrayed on the show "life is near-profiles of passers-by on the sidewalk" around the theme "Photo, comic books and poetry ". The meeting will count with the participation of Key Imaguire Junior Architect, doctor and cultural activist … Read more