Art Criticism for those who want to expand their knowledge

Fachada of the European Institute of Design (IED). Photo: Disclosure.

IED PRESENTS THE NEW POSTGRADUATE COURSE – Art Review Start date: 16/03/2023, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7:30 pm to 10:15 pm. Artistic representations offer us elements that facilitate the understanding of history in each period of our existence.. For those who want to develop a new look, IED presents its new course in … Read more

Daniela López's fight wins with the fall of graduate studies at MEC

Graduates. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press.

An ordinance published this Friday by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) is drawing the attention of the academic community across the country: As determined by the president of the entity, Claudia Fall of Toledo, all the 20 members of the board responsible for evaluating postgraduate courses in Brazil were removed from the … Read more

FIA launches 12 graduate and MBA courses 100% online with UOL EdTech technology

FIA launches graduate and MBA courses using solution of OPM – UOL EdTech is the first company 100% brasileira a oferecer a solução 360º voltada à transformação digital de instituições de ensino O UOL EdTech e a FIA – Fundação Instituto de Administração – met on Monday (03/02), in the Brazilian House Museum, autoridades do setorRead more

Parque Lage – IUPERJ offers the first Graduate Trustees for training in Rio de Janeiro

Inaugural class, open to the public, will be on 14 March (on wednesday), com o artista Marcos Chaves e o curador Paulo Sergio Duarte O IUPERJ e a Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage apresentam o curso de pós-graduação “lato sensu” Curadoria de Arte Moderna e Contemporânea, com coordenação dos críticos de arte e curadores PauloRead more

Universidade Candido Mendes launches an unpublished MBA for Professions of the Future

Candido Mendes University launches unprecedented MBA for those looking for Future Professions Creative economy and cities starts in 01 of august Games, Applications, Digital Culture, Design Thinking, Economia do Entretenimento e Neuromarketing são apenas algumas das matérias do mais novo MBA da Universidade Candido Mendes Acompanhando as tendências do mercado, the Candido Mendes University … Read more

June/15 – Open registration for New Class of the postgraduate course in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University

Registration for the New Class of the Postgraduate Course in Cultural Production at Candido Mendes University is open. The course is held in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cultural Management (ABGC) Registrations are now open for the new class of lato sensu in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University (UCAM). The course was a pioneer in … Read more

Open registration for New Class of the postgraduate course in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University

Registration for the New Class of the Postgraduate Course in Cultural Production at Candido Mendes University is open. The course is held in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cultural Management (ABGC) Registrations are now open for the new class of lato sensu in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University (UCAM). The course was a pioneer in … Read more