Besides the prestige as Advisor, the Luso-Brazilian Fabiano de Abreu now Immortalizes your name among the largest Brazilian writers of history

National Library of Brazil, the city of Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Ricardo Barguine.

What the end point for success? To the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, There seems to be no. Prestigious world fitness Advisor, Fabiano will have your name immortalized among the great writers in the history of Brazil. That's because your book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” … Read more

Book fair in Portugal receives Brazilian authors

Lecture with authors of the Portuguese language, Book III of Portugal. Photo: Disclosure.

Over 30 Brazilian authors will be presented at the III book fair of Portugal, What happens in the days 24 and 25 June in Lisbon. Responsible for cultural exchange will be the writer Jo Ramos, the ZL Publisher. According To Ramos, the proposal is to bring together writers from all Portuguese-speaking countries with the aim … Read more

Free Course: Costuming and Adorn the body BUT

The sacred art museum receives the Portuguese professor Dr. Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa to teach a course on the topic “Costuming and Adorn the body: the Egyptians to the twentieth century”. The objective of this course is the study of clothing from the Egyptians to the years 30 20TH century, analisando a relevânciaRead more

Fabiano de Abreu launches book in Portugal

The writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, had your book approved by the Municipal Library St. Lazarus of Lisbon, in Portugal. Fabiano de Abreu is in Lusitanian capital to launch the book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” in the city's oldest library, o local construídoRead more

Cloister in color display

Keys – Portugal 5-19 November 2016 The idea of the exhibition is to propagate the artist in essence, in his Studio… with his techniques, materials and their thoughts… Thus, We formed this group of artists, interested in propagating the art from its beginning. Allowing enjoy, such as, por qual o caminho e de que forma aquelaRead more

Artist sorocabana ‘ collection exposed by the world and House’ in Portugal

Roberta Urquiza works to the city of Porto, This April, where will be exposed at the port Art Gallery, until may. Pieces from the collection ' Houses in the world – ’ communities, the artist sorocabana Roberta Urquiza crossed several countries already and now they get to Portugal, in another artist's exhibition. This April, Roberta participates in … Read more

António Guimarães - The Portuguese Artist

Architect and Visual Artist, Anthony was born in Lisbon in 1950, attended Escola de Artes Decorativas António Arroio and the Faculty of Fine Arts, in Architecture, Painting, Art History and Design Communication. Throughout his professional life, worked with several prominent figures in the panorama of Arts, Design and Architecture … Read more