4 cordel poems to discover and appreciate northeastern literature

4 cordel poems to discover and appreciate northeastern literature. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

Poems printed on small leaflets convey part of the history of the Brazilian Northeast, covering popular tales and other themes from the region Cordel Literature is typically northeastern material, being one of the legacies left by Europeans at the time of colonization. These texts consist of poems printed on small leaflets and displayed on clotheslines made of … Read more

Niterói poems – 3confronts and provokes precisely to move this world

Livro "Poemas de Niterói" by Marcos Jorge Nasser, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Neutral colors are becoming increasingly popular. (autograph) Neutral colors are becoming increasingly popular. – Poems from Niterói; Poems from Niterói – and poem as a verbal construct, Poems from Niterói. confronts and provokes precisely to move this world … Read more

Fantastic realism books to read even in 2021

Fantastic realism books to read even in 2021. Disclosure.

Discover four incredible works of this artistic current Fantastic realism is an artistic current that is very present and little known in novels, poems, paintings and cinematographic works. Generally this movement forges close ties and bets on the wonderful and magical to transfigure something through the imaginary in which rationalism is rejected. There are great artists and literary works … Read more

Book brings reflections on isolation and hope

Book & quot; The lonely bird" Alexandra Vieira de Almeida, cover - featured. Disclosure.

A book that shows the poet's desire in search of communication with the world to share his symbolisms, doubts and messages of hope. That's the proposal of The lonely bird, work by Alexandra Vieira de Almeida, published by Editora Penalux. The author's seventh book 33 poems, that move from the mystical to the erotic, … Read more

Poems from Niterói and a gift for theater actors

Niterói poems (autograph) by Marcos Jorge Nasser, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Anchored in marginalized daily life, Marcos Nasser launches Poemas de Niterói – 2nd volume and reinforces decadent aesthetics with autobiographical elements to address timeless existential doubts and social ills The second volume of Poemas de Niterói (autograph) is a collection of texts that has as a backdrop the time and space of the city that the Espírito Santo author chose to live … Read more

Book of poems brings reflection on human conflicts

Livro "Oferta" Alexandra Vieira de Almeida, cover - frente and towards. Disclosure.

Reflexive, imaginary and liberating. These are the feelings that writer Alexandra Vieira de Almeida wants to instigate in readers with the book of poems.. Released in second edition, by Editora Penalux, the work brings together themes that can be considered conflicting, such as, for example, love, the eroticism, reflective and philosophical poetry and prose … Read more

The Nameless inaugurates series of Niterói Poems and reinforces existing psychological mark in literature

Expert compares writing by newcomer Marcos Jorge Nasser to Baudelaire Answer how life is, with the courage to write the poems that incites, is the proposal of Marcos Jorge Nasser in his debut book: Niterói poems – The Nameless (autograph) – Volume I. The author does not try to use shortcuts to respond to this interrogation and with verses … Read more

Theatrical highlights Flamenco Art from poems of Garcia Lorca

Espetáculo teatral destaca arte flamenca a partir de poemas de Garcia Lorca O espetáculo “Palavra Flamenca” estreia nesta quinta-feira (3), in the London Theater of Curitiba Memorial, and has a series of performances until Sunday (6), completing his first season. The play will be staged in two daily sessions, at 6:30 pm and at 7:30 pm. “PalavraRead more