#projectearte: in search of people

#projtete displays Origin: Ethiopia by Daniel Taveira. Photo: Daniel Taveira.

#projectearte, now with two official points of external projection in the city of São Paulo, displays Origin: Daniel Taveira's Ethiopia with reliable representations of human diversity, abundant in colors and shapes: “The cradle of the world was being sculpted and exploded in my imagination with this series where I tried to extract the best of the beauty of the breeds”. … Read more

#projectearte: brings art and people together

"I Am Light" by Gabriel Wickbold, invitation. Disclosure.

The ZERØ Gallery – Tainara and Pedro Paulo Afonso, in partnership with INC Photography – Julie Schlossman e Monica Paes, start the #projetearte in order to bring relevant artistic events to the public now unable to go to galleries, museums and other places of exhibitions and cultural events. Pedro, Julie e Monica … Read more

KADE | Light in the night | GALLERY ZERO

Celebrating the opening of the agenda 2020, luminescent painting is exhibited after artist residency at CAZA Galeria ZERØ exhibits “LIGHT in the night”, visual artist American KADE, curated by Francisco Rosa. Individual comprises 50 paintings, which present the result of the artist's three-month residency at the Caza Cultural Center … Read more

Zero Gallery celebrates its first year of art

“Leiga invites” starts a new proposal from the gallery that celebrates identity among creatives The ZERØ Gallery completes its first year of life and thanks everyone, artists, friends and partners, for the company, support and be together, at the beginning of this hike. Many new friendships, numerous exhibitions, artistic discoveries and positive energies that the world … Read more

Zero Collective Gallery displays with Several Concepts jobs

“Collective Paradox "features Carlos Borsa jobs, Francisco Rosa, Loro Verz and Luiz Pasqualini, which challenge well-known opinion and lack of nexus, through the paradox The ZERØ Gallery opens “Collective Paradox”, with works by Carlos Borsa, Francisco Rosa, Loro Verz and Luiz Pasqualini, under the direction of Pedro Paulo Afonso. The show is … Read more