Collection of short stories to be read in 2021

Books, featured. Disclosure.

Have fun with several stories in a single book The anthologies and collections of stories are great reading options for people who don't have much time in their daily lives, for bringing together several narratives in a single book the experiences are diverse and thinking about it we list five books that are included in this category to be … Read more

Confined love: How far distance can interfere with love?

& quot; Confined Love" by Aline Silvestri, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Peculiar Editora announces anthology and Aline Silvestri is one of the selected authors, a Covid-19, rocked several relationships over the months during 2020, some couples got divorced and others found other ways to stay in touch, even if digital. Using this reality as something important to be explored, Peculiar Editora announced the book “Amor Confinado”, … Read more