Casa-Museu Ema Klabin invites the public to be a chronicler of its time

Hot spots of SP, House-museum Ema Klabin has more than 1500 artworks. Photo Henry Light.

The idea is for people to express, through art, your feelings in this unique period We live a pandemic moment unprecedented in our recent history. So that the public can express their thoughts about this unique moment, the educative of the Casa-Museu Ema Klabin, on the museum's social media, the #Poetic Sharing activity. The action … Read more

Casa-Museu Ema Klabin promotes meetings with great writers

Milton Hatoum. Photo: Olga Vlahou.

Milton Hatoum, Betty Milan, José Roberto Walker. In addition to new talents like Fabiana Vanz The Casa-Museu Ema Klabin continues with its rich cultural program through the #CasaMuseuEmCasa Project. During the months of July, agosto e setembro estão confirmadas lives com grandes nomes da literatura, mediadas por Ana Beatriz Demarchi, such as: Milton Hatoum, Betty Milan, José … Read more

Check out the courses and lectures that take place in August in Ema House Museum Klabin

Ema Klabin House Museum is inspired by Sanssouci Palace (Potsdam, Germany) and designed by Alfredo Ernesto Becker in the mid 1950. Photo: Disclosure.

Entries can be made on the House-Museum site. Set out to explore the cultural space that has more than 1500 works of great masters world. The Foundation Ema Klabin promotes courses and lectures on art, creative writing, literature string and photo areas with specialists. In the course “Photographic project in the book” you intend to investigate possible paths … Read more