Exhibition “Brazilian Fauna and Flora” presents lithographs with Amazonian birds cataloged by Emílio Goeldi and woodcuts with flowers by Oswaldo Goeldi

& quot; Marrecão - Ducks - Marrecas" by Emílio Goeldi. Photo: Disclosure.

The next day 5 June, World environment day, will be opened in Taubaté, no Via Vale Garden Shopping, the exhibition “Brazilian Fauna and Flora”. The show has, in the room Fauna, 48 methacrylate planks with the 337 species of Amazonian birds cataloged by the Swiss zoologist and scientist Emílio Goeldi during the period in … Read more

Exhibition “Goeldi's flowers” presents unpublished woodcuts by Oswaldo Goeldi

Oswaldo Goeldi, ''Hibiscus'', woodcut, 9,8 cm x 13,3 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

Unpublished woodcuts by Oswaldo Goeldi are in “Goeldi's flowers”, exhibition at Shopping West Plaza, in São Paulo, from 4 September 2020, Friday, and open to visitation until 4 of October. The exhibition brings together 22 works by Oswaldo Goeldi, all depicting flowers, a collection never published or shown to the public. … Read more

educational exhibition project "Experimentation and method - engraving workshop of Inga" carries special program for International Women's Day

"Woman's place is in the art" is the central theme of the event will discuss the presence of women in Brazilian art and museum collections Event is part of the exhibition that marks 40 years of the workshop led by artist Anna Letycia, who designed many artists of the generation 80 and which became a hub … Read more

Brand exposure 40 years of garage that designed artists from the years 80 at the Museum of the Ingá

Curated by Marcus Otter and Viviane Matesco, the exhibition opens at the Museum of the Ingá, on Saturday, day 25 November, with more than 100 works of 50 The Experimentation and Method exhibition celebrates 40 years of the Ingá Engraving Workshop and rescues the memory of its importance in a … Read more