Luana Fernandes releases new video on the day 24 of June

Luana Fernandes in a new look. Photo: Alexia Novais.

New song by the singer and composer from Rio Grande do Sul was recorded with London musicians during her brief stay in Paraná Singer Luana Fernandes launches on the next day 24 of June, to 00:00 on your YouTube channel, the video for the song “Ancorar”, composition of his authorship with the participation of musician Chico Ceciliano, in the musical direction … Read more

Day 24/06 has Hique Gomez on Mistura Fina

Hique Gomez shows compositions that are not known by the public. Photo: Disclosure.

Musician displays his eclecticism in this show with repertoire of unpublished Hique Gomez opens his chest of compositions and shows, to keyboards, compositions that are not known to the audience at the show he presents the next day 24 of June, from 6:30 pm, with Mistura Fina broadcast on Facebook (Check out the "Service"). The presentation was … Read more

Ema Klabin House Museum brings live show to celebrate June festivities

CLA. Maria's hair, featured. Photo: Paulo Savala.

Cia Cabelo de Maria celebrates June with a themed show. Coco, xote, Baião, marchinhas formam a riqueza do repertório e a variedade de ritmos do espetáculo Não é porque a pandemia não permite aglomerações que vamos deixar de celebrar a festa mais tradicional do mês de junho. The next day 26 of June, CLA. Hair … Read more

Naddo Pontes shows his pop between Gigantes is an attraction at Mistura Fina this Thursday (17)

No Pontes, forward, one of the giants of your generation, featured. Photo: Renata Stoduto.

The band led by one of the greatest composers of his generation, anticipates new songs that are in the process of recording NADDO ENTRE GIGANTES is the attraction of Mistura Fina this Thursday, day 17 of June, from 6:30 pm, with Mistura Fina broadcast on Facebook (Check out the "Service"). With more than 40 years of … Read more

Fourth, 16 have free cinema on the Sesc Digital platform! The Alliance Française Brazil presents the Exhibition “Short in French” with the series ‘Le temps des cerises”

Short film - History of the revolution, by Arthur de Pins Buisson. Disclosure.

SHORT IN FRENCH LE TEMPS DES CERISES The show "Short in French" is back on the SESC Digital platform and brings the series "Le temps des cerises" with 12 short films about revolts and revolutions with different approaches. From 16 from June to 16 July – On-line, free and with Portuguese subtitles! The programation … Read more

Reverence for popular culture, Hi there, Inezita’ has series of online presentations

Virtual show ‘Hi, There Inezita’, (Jaqueline Cardoso, Márcia Morelli and Simone Moerdaui). Photo: John F. Tavares Kawasaki.

Company Show. Scenic inspired by the life and work of Inezita Barroso makes 10 free screenings of 2 from June to 17 July on YouTube. Programming for the São José do Rio Preto theater company also involves workshops and lives Inspired by the life and work of Inezita Barroso (1925-2015), one of the most … Read more

Rio and the history that has been erased is the theme of the May's Rolé Carioca

Tiradentes Palace. Photo: Thiago Lontra / Alerj.

Municipality of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Municipal Secretariat of Culture and Estudio M’Baraká present History erased through the years and its memories is the theme of the Rolé Carioca itinerary in May Once upon a time in Rio – Memories and Erasures. This is the theme of Rolé Carioca's next online itinerary, that happens … Read more

Rio de Janeiro will host event on “Film Direction” and will feature Dira Paes and Paulo Betti

Dira Paes as Lucimar in the TV Globo soap opera "Save Jorge" (2012). Photo: Disclosure.

The attraction will be free and completely open to the outside audience Big screen lovers from all over Brazil will be able to participate in the Cinema Week 31 May and 1, 2 and 4 June 2021, from 10pm, big screen lovers from all over Brazil will be able to participate in the Cinema Week, que acontecerá por meio da plataforma Microsoft Teams. A programação do evento – produzido pelos alunos do Núcleo deRead more

Dancers from Brazil and Slovakia invite to video dance debut

Video debut "SYNC" by Gabriela Moriondo accompanied by Maicom Souza in choreography by the Slovak artist Eva Urbanová. Photo: Disclosure.

Gabriela Moriondo is accompanied by Maicom Souza in choreography by the Slovak artist Eva Urbanová The capixaba dancers Gabriela Moriondo and Maicom Souza, invite dance enthusiasts to the chat launch of the “SYNC” videodance, with choreography by the Slovak artist Eva Urbanová, within the “Virtual Exchange” residency project, fruit of the Aldir Blanc Law, of … Read more

Amy Winehouse live tribute on Friday (7)

Giovana Adoracion. Photo: Disclosure.

Next Friday (7), at 8:0 pm, the singer Giovana Adoracion, which is already gaining the affection of the public with its new project “Friday Hour”, will do the third edition of the presentation in his ‘home studio’ with a tribute to the British diva Amy Winehouse. The initiative was a request from the public that in the last live suggested … Read more
